
Površinska svetlost kroglastih zvezdnih kopic : magistrsko delo
ID Kobal, Amadej (Author), ID Jejčič, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Opazovanje kroglastih zvezdnih kopic je pomembno, ker so med najstarejšimi objekti v vesolju in ključne za razumevanje razvoja zvezd in galaksij. V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na merjenje površinske svetlosti petih kroglastih kopic s 25-cm robotskim teleskopom in digitalno CCD-kamero v eni noči. Dobljene posnetke kalibriramo, obdelamo in analiziramo, da dobimo površinsko svetlost kopic, ki ji prilagajamo tri parametrski Kingov model, s katerim lahko ob pomoči virialnega teorema določimo parametre opazovanih kopic. Naloga pokaže, da je kopice mogoče uspešno analizirati s preprosto šolsko opremo, zato je ta dejavnost primerna za uporabo pri izbirnem predmetu astronomija, naravoslovnem dnevu ali astronomskem krožku.

Keywords:galaksija, kroglaste zvezdne kopice, teleskop, astrofotografija, Kingov model, površinska svetlost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Kobal
Number of pages:III, 37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162676 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209193475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Surface brightness of globular star clusters
The observation of globular star clusters is important because they are among the oldest objects in the universe and are key to understanding the evolution of stars and galaxies. In this master's thesis, we focus on measuring the surface brightness of five globular clusters with a 25-cm robotic telescope and a digital CCD-camera over the course of one night. The resulting images are calibrated, processed, and analyzed to obtain the surface brightness of the clusters, which is fitted with a three-parameter King model that can be used to determine the parameters of the observed clusters using the virial theorem. This activity demonstrates that star clusters can be successfully analyzed using simple school equipment and is, therefore, suitable for use in an astronomy elective, science day, or astronomy club.

Keywords:galaxy, globular star clusters, telescope, astrophotography, King model, surface brightness

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