
Izvedba grafičnih tehnik s predšolskimi otroki in stališča vzgojiteljev o grafiki : diplomsko delo
ID Fekonja, Hana (Author), ID Podobnik, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z likovnim izražanjem si otroci razlagajo svet okoli sebe. Na to v vrtcu vplivajo vzgojitelji, igralnica in okolje, ki dopušča ustvarjalnost in različnost. Bistveno je, da vzgojitelj sledi otrokom in njihovim zmožnostim pri izbiri likovnih tehnik ter se zaveda, da je proces ustvarjanja pomembnejši od končnega izdelka. V diplomskem delu sem navedla splošne razvojne značilnosti otrok, ki vplivajo tudi na likovni razvoj. V literaturi pa so navedene tudi razvojne stopnje, ki so specifične za likovni razvoj. Zavedati pa se je treba, da so te stopnje okvirne in da lahko prihaja do velikih individualnih starostnih razlik. Te razvojne stopnje so vezane na področje risanja, saj je razvoj na drugih likovnih področjih malo raziskan. Zaradi tega sem v svojem diplomskem delu raziskovala področje grafike. V vrtcu je manj zastopano področje, ki ima poseben način izdelave, tj. odtiskovanje. Otroci z odtiskovanjem iščejo in spoznavajo različne teksture predmetov, odkrivajo zrcalnost in spoznavajo možnost reprodukcije. V diplomskem delu sem raziskala stališča vzgojiteljev o uporabi grafičnih tehnik v vrtcu s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Zanimalo me je, katere grafične tehnike vzgojitelji sploh poznajo in katere uporabljajo pri delu v vrtcu. Hkrati pa me je zanimalo, kako pogosto izvajajo dejavnosti, ki vključujejo grafične tehnike. Ugotovila sem, da so jim nekatere zelo znane, nekatere pa so večini čisto neznane. Znane vzgojitelji uporabljajo pri delu v vrtcu, neznane pa zelo malo, kar je pričakovano. Spoznala sem, da vzgojitelji v večini grafične tehnike uporabljajo občasno, kar pomeni nekajkrat letno. Poleg raziskave z anketnim vprašalnikom sem z otroki v vrtcu izvedla grafične tehnike, ki jih navaja Vrlič (2001). Otroci so bili željni sodelovati in odkrivati nove tehnike ustvarjanja. Po tisku s predmeti, ki so jih sami poiskali v igralnici (tisk s pečatniki), so k meni nosili najrazličnejše predmete iz vrtca ali narave, z željo po odtiskovanju, da bi videli, kakšen odtis bi ta predmet pustil. Z vidika organizacije in izvedbe je bila najzahtevnejša tehnika kolagrafija, z vidika organizacije pa tudi še monotipija. Ugotovila pa sem, da ni nič nemogoče. Tehnike se da v veliki večini prilagoditi starosti in zmožnostim otrok.

Keywords:likovno izražanje, likovni razvoj, grafika, grafične tehnike, odtiskovanje, stališča vzgojiteljev, vrtec, predšolski otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:H. Fekonja
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162669 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209181955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Implementing graphic techniques with preschool children and preschool teachers' views on graphics
Through artistic expression, children interpret the world around them. In kindergarten, this is influenced by educators, the playroom, and an environment that fosters creativity and diversity. It is essential for educator to follow children and their abilities in choosing artistic techniques and understanding that the process of creation is more important than the final product. In my thesis, I have outlined the general developmental characteristics of children, which also affect their artistic development. Additionally, the literature mentions developmental stages specific to artistic development, although it is important to note that these stages are approximate, and significant individual age differences may occur. These developmental stages are related to the field of drawing, as development in other artistic areas is less researched. Hence, I explored the field of graphics in my thesis. Printing, a special method within graphics, is less represented in kindergarten. Through printing, children explore and recognize various textures of objects, discover symmetry, and understand the possibility of reproduction. In my thesis, I investigated educators' perspectives on the use of graphic techniques in kindergarten through a questionnaire survey. I was interested in which graphic techniques educators are familiar with and which they use in their work. Additionally, I wanted to know how often they conduct activities involving graphic techniques. I found that some techniques are well-known to them, while others are entirely unknown to most. Educators commonly use the known techniques occasionally, meaning several times a year. In addition to the survey, I conducted graphic techniques with children in kindergarten following those mentioned by Vrlič (2001). The children were eager to participate and discover new creative techniques. After printing with objects they found in the playroom (printing with stamps), they brought various items from kindergarten or nature to me, eager to see what impression each item would leave. From an organizational and execution standpoint, collagraphy was the most demanding technique, and in terms of organization, monotype as well. However, I discovered that nothing is impossible. Techniques can be adapted to the age and abilities of children in the vast majority of cases.

Keywords:artistic expression, artistic development, graphics, graphic techniques, printing, educators' perspectives, kindergarten, preschool children

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