
Tematska pot po antični arheoloških najdiščih v Trebnjem in bližnji okolici
ID Kepa, Anže (Author), ID Potočnik Slavič, Irma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lovenjak, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava pripravo idejne zasnove za vzpostavitev tematske poti v Trebnjem in bližnji okolici, in sicer s poudarkom na rimski zgodovini Trebnjega. V rimskih časih je bila na območju današnjega naselja pomembna rimska vojaška postojanka Praetorium Latobicorum, kjer so bili nastanjeni beneficiarii consularis – nižji vojaški oficirji z nadzornimi nalogami. Za potrebe diplomskega dela so bile uporabljene kabinetne in terenske metode (fotografiranje, raziskava mnenja ciljne skupine, intervjuvanje). Predvidena tematska pot bi vsebovala 12 točk, ki so bile izbrane v dveh fazah s pomočjo več kriterijev: fizična dostopnost, vidni in nevidni rimski ostanki, soglasje lastnikov, količina dostopne literature itd. Kljub zadostni količini gradiva o arheoloških izkopavanjih je bilo aktualno vprašanje, ali je vzpostavitev geografsko–zgodovinske tematske poti sploh smiselna. Analiza rezultatov raziskave mnenja ciljne skupine je pokazala na pozitiven odziv lastnikov parcel, kjer bi stale informativne table predvidene tematske poti.

Keywords:tematska pot, Praetorium Latobicorum, Trebnje, antika, Dolenjska
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Thematic route through ancient archaeological sites in Trebnje and the surrounding area
The diploma thesis deals with the preparation of an conceptual basis for the setting-up of a thematic trail in the settlement of Trebnje and its surroundings, with an emphasis on the Roman history of Trebnje. In Roman times, the site of today's settlement, was an important Roman border military post Praetorium Latobicorum, where beneficiarii consularis – junior military officers with supervisory tasks – were located. For the needs of the diploma thesis, cabinet and field methods were used (photography, opinion survey, interviewing). The envisaged thematic route would contain 12 points, which were selected in two phases using several criteria: physical accessibility, visible and invisible Roman remains, consent of the owners, amount of accessible literature, etc. Despite the sufficient amount of material on archaeological excavations, the initial question remained: is the setting-up of an historical–geographical thematic trail reasonable. The survey on the opinion of the target group showed a positive response from the owners of the plots where the information boards of the planned thematic trail would be placed.

Keywords:thematic route, Praetorium Latobicorum, Trebnje, antiquity, Lower Carniola

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