
Geofizikalne raziskave na območju opuščenega srednjeveškega trga Gutenwerd
ID König, Jan (Author), ID Mušič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Predovnik, Katarina Katja (Comentor)

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Gutenwerd, sodobno znan pod imenom Otok pri Dobravi, nekoč poimenovan tudi Otok, je bil zgodnjesrednjeveški trg in del freisinške posesti na Dolenjskem. Naseljen je bil neznano kdaj, predvidoma v 11. stoletju ali prej, prvič pa je bil kot forum oz. trg omenjen leta 1251. Naselbina je vrh razvoja doživela v 14. stoletju, nato je njeno vlogo v regiji postopoma nadomeščal novonastali Rudolfswerd, današnje Novo mesto. Zaradi splošnega upada in številnih vpadov ter plenjenj Ogrov in Turkov je bilo naselje opuščeno v 15. stoletju, trg pa dokončno kot posledica opustošenja in požiga v zadnjem turškem vpadu leta 1473. Gutenwerd ali Otok je znano arheološko najdišče, kjer so med leti 1967 in 1984 potekala omejena izkopavanja in sondacije, Univerza v Ljubljani pa je leta 2021opravila arheološke terenske preglede. Najdišče smo v okviru diplomskega dela deloma preiskali z geofizikalnima metodama, in sicer z georadarsko in magnetno metodo. Rezultate smo primerjali s predhodno pridobljenimi podatki iz drugih virov (testni izkopi in vrtine, izkopavanja, površinski pregledi, pisni in kartografski viri) in oblikovali boljši pogled na sestavo trga v zaledju glavne vpadnice ter oblikovali pobudo za nadaljnja tovrstna raziskovalna dela na območju Gutenwerda in drugih naselbinskih najdiščih.

Keywords:Gutenwerd, Otok pri Dobravi, opuščen srednjeveški trg, arheološka izkopavanja, arheološki terenski pregledi, arheološka geofizika, arheometrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162663 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Title:Geophysical research in the area of ​​the abandoned medieval market town Gutenwerd
Gutenwerd was a medieval market town situated on the Freising estate of Dolenjska. Formerly also known as »Otok« today it is known as »Otok pri Dobravi«. Its primary formation is unknown although it is presumed it was populated in the 11th century or earlier. It is first mentioned in the year 1251 as a forum or market town. The settlement reached its peak in the 14th century after which its role in the region was gradually replaced by the newly formed Rudolfswerd, modern »Novo mesto«. The settlement was abandoned in the 15th century due to its general decline in importance and due to numerous raids by the Hungarians and Turks. The market town was finally abandoned after it burned down during the last Turkish raid in the year 1473. Gutenwerd or »Otok« is a well-known archaeological site where excavations and probing's were conducted between 1967 and 1984 as well as archeological field surveys in 2021 by the University of Ljubljana, department of archaeology. The site was partially surveyed using geophysics namely with georadaring and magnetometry as part of the framework of this thesis paper. We compared the obtain results with previously obtained data from other sources (probes, excavations, surface surveys, written and pictorial sources) to form a better view of the composition of the core of the market town and its hinterland and formed an initiative for further research of this kind to take place on the site of Gutenwerd and other such settlement sites.

Keywords:Gutenwerd, Otok pri Dobravi, abandoned medieval market town, archaeological excavations, archaeological field surveys, Geophysics, Archaeometry

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