
Oblikovanje pripomočka za menstrualno higieno za ženske z oslabljeno ali zmanjšano funkcijo rok
ID Gorenc, Lara (Author), ID Miklavc, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s problematiko menstrualne higiene pri ženskah z oslabljeno ali zmanjšano funkcijo rok. Raziskovala sem različne bolezni, motnje in poškodbe, ki lahko privedejo do oslabljene fine motorike, pomanjkanja moči v dlaneh ter bolečin v spodnjem delu roke. Podrobnejša analiza ciljne skupine je privedla do dejstva, da je skupina velika ter si želi prilagojenih pripomočkov na trgu menstrualnih izdelkov. Žal takih rešitev ni, saj je globalni trg prenasičen z generičnimi izdelki, ki se bistveno niso spremenili že več kot 50 let. Skozi eksperimentiranje sem oblikovala izdelek za pomoč pri nameščanju tamponov. Je ergonomsko in mehansko dovršen in je bil v stopnji prototipa potrjen s strani ciljne skupine. Poleg izdelka je bila oblikovana tudi storitev, ki izdelek dopolnjuje. Magistrska naloga predstavlja prve korake do preprečevanja menstrualne revščine in resnične vključenosti ljudi z omejitvami kot tudi žensk samih.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, ženske, invalidnost, fina motorika, roke, menstrualna higiena, multipla skleroza, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162657 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a menstrual hygiene accessory for women with weakened or reduced handfunction
The masters thesis addresses the issue of menstrual hygiene in women with weakened or reduced hand function. I explored various diseases, disorders, and injuries that can lead to weakened fine motor skills, lack of strength in the hands, and pain in the lower part of the hand. A more detailed analysis of the target group revealed that the group is large and desires adapted tools in the market for menstrual products. Unfortunately, such solutions are lacking, as the global market is saturated with generic products that have not significantly changed for over 50 years. Through experimentation, I developed a product to assist in the insertion of tampons. It is ergonomically and mechanically refined and was validated at the prototype stage by the target group. In addition to the product, a service complementing the product was also designed. The master’s thesis represents one of the first steps towards preventing menstrual poverty and the true inclusion of people with disabilities as well as women themselves.

Keywords:industrial design, women, disability, fine motor skills, hands, menstrual hygiene, multiple sclerosis, MA thesis

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