
Zasnova oblačil prihodnosti
ID Kolman, Jakob (Author), ID Miklavc, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Predan, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ker je hitra moda modno industrijo preoblikovala v enega od glavnih dejavnikov velikih industrijskih emisij toplogrednih plinov in uničujočega vpliva na okolje, magistrsko delo z namenom ozaveščanja potrošnikov, spreminjanja njihove miselnosti, vrednot in nakupovalnih navad, išče rešitve za zmanjšanje negativnega vpliva hitre mode na okolje po pristopu od spodaj navzgor. Ključen problem današnje družbe je v tem, da proizvajamo več oblačil kot kdaj koli prej, kljub dejstvu, da jih manj uporabljamo. Po nekaterih raziskavah naj bi uporabniki nosili le 20 % svoje garderobe, 80 % časa. Do leta 2050 pa naj bi se svetovna prodaja oblačil kar potrojila. Poleg tega je zelo omejena količina oblačil zasnovana za predelavo, popravilo, ponovno uporabo ali recikliranje. Magistrsko delo v raziskovalnoanalitični fazi s pomočjo raziskovalnih metod preučuje relevantnost problematike in identificira oblikovalske priložnosti. S pomočjo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih raziskovalnih metod analizira primere dobrih praks, identificira probleme, potrebe in želje uporabnikov, preverja na podlagi česa kupci sprejemajo nakupne odločitve in ali drži, da ljudje večino časa uporabljamo ena in ista oblačila. V konceptualni fazi sledi iskanje priložnosti na prepoznane pereče probleme v praksi, prototipiranje in testiranje idejnih rešitev. Končni rezultat magistrske naloge je v duhu krožnega gospodarstva oblikovana alternativna oblikovalska rešitev — podprta s storitvijo, ki spreminja miselnost uporabnikov hitre mode in jih odvrača od impulzivnega nakupovanja, s tem pa nakazuje pot boljšemu jutri.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje storitveno oblikovanje trajnostno oblikovanje krožno gospodarstvo modularna oblačila brezčasno oblikovanje magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162656 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Title:Designing the clothes of the future
Since fast fashion has transformed the fashion industry into one of the main factors of large industrial emissions of greenhouse gasses and a destructive impact on the environment, the master's thesis, with the aim of raising awareness among consumers, changing their mentality, values and shopping habits, seeks solutions to reduce the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment by using bottom-up approach. A key problem in today's society is that we are producing more clothes than ever before, despite the fact that we are using less of them. According to some research, users only wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time. By 2050, global clothing sales are expected to triple. In addition, a very limited amount of clothing is designed to be recovered, repaired, reused or recycled. The master's thesis in the research-analytic phase examines the relevance of the issue and identifies design opportunities with the help of research methods. With the help of quantitative and qualitative research methods, it analyzes examples of good practices, identifies problems, needs and wishes of users, checks on what basis customers make purchase decisions and whether it is true that people use the same clothes most of the time. The conceptual phase is followed by the search for opportunities for identified pressing problems in practice or planning, prototyping and testing conceptual solutions. The final result of the master's thesis is an alternative design solution created in the spirit of the circular economy - supported by a service that changes the mindset of fast fashion users and discourages them from compulsive shopping, thereby pointing the way to a better tomorrow.

Keywords:industrial design service design sustainable design circular economy modular clothing timeless design MA thesis

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