
Odstranjevanje izbranih zamenjav bisfenola A z mikroalgo Chlorella vulgaris in analize njihove strupenosti z bakterijo Vibrio fischeri : magistrsko delo
ID Cerar, Nina (Author), ID Griessler Bulc, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Milisav, Irina (Reviewer)

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MD5: BD3F2A95434CC291A984E27C50F5EB03

Uvod: V obdobju intenzivne industrializacije in naraščajočega povpraševanja po novih materialih in kemikalijah, narašča zaskrbljenost zaradi neustreznega nadzora nad njihovimi vplivi na zdravje človeka in okolje. Med onesnaževala, ki vzbujajo zaskrbljenost, sodijo tudi bisfenol A in njegove zamenjave. Njihova razširjena raba in hormonsko delovanje predstavljata izziv za razvoj metod določanja njihove strupenosti in učinkovitega čiščenja pred izpustom v okolje. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti potencial mikroalge Chlorella vulgaris za fikoremediacijo zamenjav bisfenola A iz rastnega medija in vpliv strupenosti zamenjav bisfenola A na bakterijo Vibrio fischeri. Metode dela: V magistrskem delu smo raziskavo razdelili na dva sklopa: v prvem smo preučevali sposobnost mikroalge Chlorella vulgaris za odstranjevanje mešanice 17-ih zamenjav bisfenola A (22BPF, 24BPF, 44BPF, BPAF, BPE, BPC, BPBP, BPM, BPP, BPPH, BPB, BPZ, BP26DM, BPAP, BPC2, BPFL in BPS) iz rastnega medija, v drugem propa smo analizirali najslabše raziskano strupenost 13-ih izmed teh zamenjav na bakterijo Vibrio fischeri in zato izključili izomere 2,2'-BPF, 2,4'-BPF, 4,4'-BPF in BPS. Rezultati: Raziskava je potrdila učinkovitost mikroalge Chlorella vulgaris pri fikoremediaciji zamenjav bisfenola A iz rastnega medija, pri čemer je izmed 17-ih izbranih bisfenolov najbolj učinkovito odstranila BPPH, BPP, BPM, BPC in BPBP. Izračuni polovičnih efektivnih koncentracij za pet bisfenolov (BPE, BPAP, BPC2, BPC in BPB) so pokazali, da sta BPE in BPC2 pri 15- in 30-minutnih časovnih intervalih izpostavljenosti najbolj strupena, kar kaže na njuno visoko potencialno okoljsko tveganje. Bisfenol AP je pri enakih časovnih intervalih izkazal najmanjšo strupenost. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo da mikroalga Chlorella vulgaris različno učinkovito odstranjuje (večji log Kow pomeni večje odstranjevanje) mešanico 17-ih zamenjav bisfenola A iz vodnega okolja, kar potrjuje njeno potencialno uporabnost v fikoremediacijskih procesih. Z analizo učinka strupenosti na bakterijo Vibrio fischeri smo ugotovili, da strupenost zamenjav bisfenola A narašča s koncentracijo posameznih bisfenolov. Ta ugotovitev opozarja na potencialno škodljiv vpliv teh zamenjav na ekosisteme in človekovo zdravje ter izpostavlja nujnost nadaljnjih raziskav za boljše razumevanje njihovih ekoloških posledic.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, onesnaževala, ki vzbujajo zaskrbljenost, strupenost, mikroalge, zelene tehnologije, endokrini motilci, čiščenje odpadnih voda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Cerar]
Number of pages:77 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162637 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208967683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Removal of selected bisphenol analogues by Chlorella vulgaris and their toxicity to bacteria Vibrio fischeri : master thesis
Introduction: In the era of intense industrialization and increasing demand for new materials and chemicals, there is growing concern over the inadequate control of their impacts on human health and the environment. Among the contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are bisphenol A and its analogues, known for their widespread use and hormonal activity. This presents significant challenges in developing methods for their removal and toxicity analysis. Purpose: The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the potential of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris for the phycoremediation of bisphenol A analogues from the growth medium and to analyze their toxicity on the bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Methods: In this master's thesis, the research was divided into two parts: the first examined the ability of Chlorella vulgaris to remove a mixture of 17 bisphenol A analogues (22BPF, 24BPF, 44BPF, BPAF, BPE, BPC, BPBP, BPM, BPP, BPPH, BPB, BPZ, BP26DM, BPAP, BPC2, BPFL and BPS) from the growth medium, while the second analyzed the less researched toxicity effects of 13 of these analogues on the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, excluding isomers 2,2'-BPF, 2,4'-BPF, 4,4'-BPF and BPS. Results: The research confirmed the effectiveness of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in phycoremediation of bisphenol A analogues from the growth medium, with BPPH, BPP, BPM, BPC, and BPBP being most effectively removed among the 17 bisphenols. The half-maximal effective concentration calculations for five bisphenols (BPE, BPAP, BPC2, BPC, and BPB) indicated that BPE and BPC2 are the most toxic at 15- and 30-minute exposure intervals, indicating their high potential environmental risk. Bisphenol AP showed the least toxicity at the same exposure intervals. Discussion and conclusion: The results demonstrate the potential of Chlorella vulgaris for effectively removing a mixture of 17 bisphenol A analogues from aquatic environments (higher log Kow means higher removal), confirming its suitability for phytoremediation. Toxicity tests on Vibrio fischeri showed that BPA analogues become more toxic as bisphenol concentration increases, highlighting their potential threat to ecosystems and human health and emphasizing the need for further research to fully understand their ecological impacts.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, contaminants of emerging concern, toxicity, microalgae, green technologies, endocrine disruptors, wastewater treatment

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