
Prometno-tehnični vidik izvedljivosti nadgradnje železniške proge od Ljubljane do Ivančne Gorice : magistrsko delo
ID Erjavec, Tilen (Author), ID Rijavec, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trček, Luka (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni štirje koncepti nadgradnje dolenjske proge. Možnosti nadgradnje so se preučevale znotraj predvidenega državnega prostorskega načrta, na odseku med Ljubljano in Ivančno Gorico. Prva varianta obsega korekcijo posameznih geometrijskih elementov tira, preostale tri variante pa so zasnovane kot dvotirna proga. Za načrtovane variante se je izračunala še zmogljivost proge. Najprimernejšo varianto smo izbrali s pomočjo SWOT-analize. Kot kratkoročna rešitev se je najbolje izkazala varianta V1, dolgoročno pa je najprimernejša varianta V3, ki je kombinacija preostalih variant. Poglavitna prednost variante V1 je, da se nadgradnja proge izvaja kot vzdrževalna dela v javno korist, saj se dela izvajajo na obstoječi trasi, kamor sodijo tudi obstoječi objekti in geotehnične konstrukcije. Ena izmed dobrih lastnosti variante V1 so tudi bolj konstante voznoredne hitrosti kot tudi projektne rešitve, ki so iz vidika investicijskih stroškov manj zahtevne kot pri varianti V3. Slabosti variante V1 tudi po nadgradnji proge ostajajo enotirnost, nizke hitrosti in majhni radiji ter neizvedljivost vpeljave taktnega voznega reda. Glavne prednosti novo zasnovane variante V3 glede na varianto V1 je konstantna in velika hitrost, dvotirnost, ki omogoča vzpostavitev taktnega voznega reda, moderna železniška infrastruktura, ki izpolnjuje pogoje interoperabilnosti, in izboljšana multimodalnost. Ker gre pri varianti V3 za novogradnjo, največjo slabost poleg visoke vrednosti naložbe predstavljajo znatni posegi v prostor, predvsem na delu, kjer je predviden nov potek proge. To je zlasti pomembno zato, ker je treba v postopku pridobivanja gradbenega dovoljenja opraviti tudi celovito presojo vplivov na okolje, kar pa lahko pomeni dolgotrajno pridobivanje ustreznih dokumentov kot tudi samo realizacijo naložbe.

Keywords:magistrska dela, gradbeništvo, revitalizacija dolenjske železnice, interoperabilnost, trajnostna mobilnost, dvotirnost, drugi tir, Ljubljanska urbana regija – LUR, dolenjska proga, zmogljivost proge, izkoriščenost proge, študija variant
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Erjavec]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (6 datotek PDF (XX, 138 str., [51] str. pril. + [75] str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162634-53b8f46b-070b-4056-e998-f0ea34cdf9ca This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209304323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The transport-technical aspect of the viability of upgrading the railway line from Ljubljana to Ivančna Gorica : master thesis
The master's thesis outlines the concepts for upgrading the Dolenjska railway, which would turn the railway into a viable substitute for the increasing amount of transport on the roads and a key component of sustainable mobility. Within the proposed state spatial plan, possibilities for upgrades have been studied on the railway section connecting Ljubljana and Ivančna Gorica. Four different variants were created. The first variant corrects specific geometric features of the track, while the other three variants are designed as a double-track line. The line capacity for the predicted variants was calculated, providing a good indicator of the effectiveness of certain measures. With the help of a SWOT analysis, we were able to choose the most viable variant. Variant V1 has proven to be the most effective as a short-term solution within 10 to 20 years, but variant V3, which combines the remaining variants, is the most effective in the long run. One of the primary advantages of the V1 variant is that the line's upgrading would be carried out as maintenance work for the benefit of the general public, since it would be conducted on the already existing route, which also includes existing objects and geotechnical constructions. One advantage of the V1 variant is also the more consistent scheduled train speeds as well as project solutions that are less demanding financially than the V3 variant. However, certain shortcomings of the V1 variant remain, even with the line's upgrade: it only has one track, slow train speeds, small radii, and is unable to implement a regular-interval schedule. The key advantages of the newly developed V3 variant over the V1 variant are consistent and high train speed, double tracking, which allows for the formation of a regular-interval schedule, modern railway infraobject that meets interoperability requirements, and improved multimodality. Since the V3 variant is a new construction, the largest disadvantage, in addition to the high investment value, is the space infringement, particularly in the area where the new route line is proposed. This is particularly crucial as getting a building permit requires conducting a thorough environmental impact assessment, which can take some time and could result in the investment's realisation as well as the building permit's acquisition taking longer than expected.

Keywords:master thesis, civil engineering, revitalisation of the Dolenjska railway, interoperability, sustainable mobility, double track, second track, Ljubljana Urban Region - LUR, Dolenjska railway line, railway capacity, railway capacity efficiency, study of variants

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