
Primerjalna analiza izvajanja osebne asistence
ID Sušnik Vrečič, Ajda (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na primerjalno analizo izvajanja osebne asistence s pomočjo intervjujev in statističnih podatkov v raziskovalnem delu. Trenutno stanje asistence v Sloveniji se sooča z različnimi izzivi, zato je osnovni namen raziskave proučiti izvajanje osebne asistence z ekonomskega in organizacijskega vidika ter podati usmeritve za zakonske spremembe. Namen je predstaviti prakso držav Švedske in Velike Britanije ter primerjavo obeh držav z ureditvijo v Sloveniji. Prvi del raziskave temelji na metodologiji intervjujev. Ciljna skupina so deležniki osebne asistence in stroka na tem področju. Na podlagi intervjujev so zajeti podatki o stališčih ureditve asistence. Rezultati analize trenutnega stanja so pokazali, da so uporabniki z osebno asistenco zadovoljni in jim ta omogoča kakovostnejše življenje. Kljub poglavitni prednosti je pereče področje nedodelan in neenoten Zakon o osebni asistenci, ki je privedel do nestabilnega financiranja. V drugem delu raziskave je namen proučiti izvajanje asistence v Sloveniji. Analizirani so vsi zavodi oz. društva v Sloveniji, kjer je zajeto število uporabnikov, število opravljenih ur izvajanja in izračun števila stroškov na mesečni in letni ravni po statističnih regijah v obdobju od 2019 do 2023. Opravljena je primerjava dveh socialnovarstvenih storitev – pomoč na domu in družinski pomočnik. Ključni prispevek magistrskega dela je s pridobljeno analizo še bolj natančno opredeliti izzive trenutnega izvajanja osebne asistence ter podati predloge za izboljšave.

Keywords:osebna asistenca, socialna varnost, primerjalna analiza, financiranje osebne asistence
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Sušnik Vrečič]
Number of pages:X, 82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162589 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of the implementation of personal assistance
The master thesis focuses on the analysis of the implementation of personal assistance with the help of statistical data in the research work and interviews. The current situation faces various challenges. Therefore, the basic purpose of the research is to examine the implementation of personal assistance from an economic and organizational point of view and to provide guidelines for legal changes. The purpose is to present the practice of Sweden and Great Britain and comparing it with the regulation in Slovenia. The first part of the research is based on interview methodology. The target group are stakeholders of personal assistance and professionals in this field. On the basis of the interviewees, data will be collected on the attitudes of the assistance arrangement. The results of the analysis of the current situation showed that users are satisfied with personal assistance and it enables them to have a better quality of life. Despite the main advantage, the pressing area is the unfinished and non-unified Personal Assistance Act, which has led to unstable funding. In the second part of the research, the aim is to study the implementation of assistance in Slovenia. All institutes in Slovenia are analysed, covering the number of users, the number of hours of implementation and the calculation of costs on a monthly and annual level by statistical region in the period from 2019 to 2023. The key contribution of the master thesis is to use the obtained statistical data to define the challenges of the current implementation of personal assistance and to make suggestions for improvements.

Keywords:Personal assistance, comparative analysis, social security, personal assistance financing

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