
Zaznavanje vodikovega peroksida v pretočnem reaktorju z elektrokemijskimi senzorji
ID Letonja, Vita (Author), ID Genorio, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vodikov peroksid (H2O2) je močan tekoč oksidant, ki igra pomembno vlogo pri trajnostnih industrijskih oksidacijskih procesih, kot so čiščenje odplak, industrijsko beljenje, kemijska sinteza in medicinska dezinfekcija. Zaradi velikih potreb po njem v industriji je ključnega pomena njegova proizvodnja in zaznavanje. Ena izmed najučinkovitejših načinov zaznavanja je z elektrokemijskimi senzorji, ki kažejo še posebej obetavne rezultate kadar so narejeni na osnovi nanomaterialov, kot sta grafen in borofen. Elektrokemijski senzorji v šaržnem sistemu delujejo v sklopu trielektrodnega sistema in se razlikujejo na podlagi priprave in modifikacije delovne elektrode, pri čemer se poudarja razlika v zmogljivosti med diskastimi in sitotiskanimi elektrodami, zlasti glede občutljivosti, stabilnosti in učinkovitosti. Za industrijske aplikacije je ključen prehod iz šaržnih na pretočne reaktorje. Pri tem je izrednega pomena sprotno nadzorovanje in merjenje koncentracij analitov v samem sistemu. Pri elektrokemijski proizvodnji H2O2 preko reakcije redukcije kisika v pretočnem sistemu se za njegovo sprotno zaznavanje praviloma uporablja optični senzor.

Keywords:vodikov peroksid, šaržni sistemi, elektrokemijski senzorji, pretočni sistemi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Detection of hydrogen peroxide in flow reactor with electrochemical sensors
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong liquid oxidant that plays an important role in sustainable industrial oxidation processes such as wastewater treatment, industrial bleaching, chemical synthesis, and medical disinfection. Due to its high demand in industry, its production and detection are of crucial importance. One of the most effective detection methods includes electrochemical sensors, which show particularly promising results when made from nanomaterials such as graphene and borophene. Electrochemical sensors in a batch system operate within a three-electrode system and vary based on the preparation and modification of the working electrode, with an emphasis on the difference in performance between disc and screen-printed electrodes, especially in terms of sensitivity, stability and efficiency. For industrial applications , the transition from batch to flow reactors is crucial. In this context, real-time monitoring and measurement of analytes concentrations within the system are of utmost importance. For the electrochemical production of H2O2 through the oxygen reduction reaction in a flow system, an optical sensor is usually used for its real-time detection.

Keywords:hydrogen peroxide, batch systems, electrochemical sensors, flow systems

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