
Uporaba naprednih tehnologij za prepoznavanje in spremljanje simptomov depresije pri mladih
ID Mužina, Tjaša (Author), ID Predan, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje priložnosti za vpeljavo naprednih tehnologij v zdravstvene storitve na področju duševnega zdravja mladih, z namenom izboljšanja dostopnosti ter prilagoditve storitev potrebam in navadam ciljnih uporabnikov. Tekom raziskovalno-analitične faze je bilo ugotovljeno, da se mladi s težavami v duševnem zdravju na poti iskanja strokovne pomoči soočajo s številnimi ovirami, ki otežujejo dostop do primerne oskrbe. To nakazuje tudi svetovna statistika: duševne težave ima približno 20 % vseh otrok in mladostnikov, od tega pa jih le 10–20 % prejme potrebno pomoč. Svojo raziskavo sem zato usmerila v odkrivanje razlogov za nizko dostopnost storitev ter priložnosti za izboljšanje le-te. Zaradi želje po oblikovanju rešitve, ki bi v celoti odgovarjala potrebam ciljnih uporabnikov, sem izsledke iz raziskave obogatila z izvedbo sooblikovalskih delavnic, s katerimi smo skupaj z udeleženci uspešno prikazali, kako lahko aktivno vključevanje ciljnih uporabnikov v proces oblikovanja pripomore k ustvarjanju uporabnih in kakovostnih rešitev. Končni rezultat magistrskega dela predstavlja koncept celostne aplikacije, ki mladim nudi podporo pri prepoznavanju simptomov, samopomoči ter iskanju kakovostne strokovne pomoči.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, duševno zdravje, eZdravje, napredne tehnologije, mobilna aplikacija, sooblikovanje, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162573 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Use of advanced technologies for recognising and monitoring symptoms of depression in adolescents and young adults
This master’s thesis explores opportunities for the introduction of advanced technologies into mental health services for young adults, with the goal of improving accessibility and adapting these services to the needs and habits of target users. During the research and analytical phase, it was found that young people with mental health issues face numerous obstacles when seeking professional help, which hinder access to appropriate care. This is also indicated by global statistics: approximately 20% of all children and adolescents have mental health problems, but only 10–20% of them receive the necessary help. Therefore, I focused my research on identifying the reasons for the low accessibility of services and opportunities for improvement. Due to the desire to design a solution that would fully meet the needs of the target users, I enriched the findings from the research with the implementation of co-design workshops with which we, together with the participants, successfully demonstrated how the active involvement of target users in the design process contributes to the creation of useful and quality solutions. The final result of the master’s thesis thus represents a concept of a comprehensive application that provides young people with support in recognizing symptoms, self-help, and seeking quality professional help.

Keywords:industrial design, mental health, eHealth, advanced technologies, mobile application, co-design, MA thesis

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