
Analiza drobnih gibov 2-3-letnih otrok : diplomsko delo
ID Santos Caserman, Cristina (Author), ID Zakrajšek, Veronika (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Drobne gibalne spretnosti so tiste spretnosti, pri katerih uporabljamo majhne mišice (npr. mišice rok, prstov, obraza ipd.). Za razvoj drobnih gibalnih spretnosti je potrebna pogosta vaja, ki temelji na načelih od lažjega k težjemu, kot npr. od večjega k manjšemu ali obratno, od tršega k mehkejšemu ali obratno ipd. Bistveno je, da je otrok v stiku z ustreznim materialom in da z njim ustvarja dlje časa. Za razvijanje drobnih gibalnih spretnosti so v vrtcu raznolike priložnosti, od vzgojitelja pa je odvisno, ali jih bo sistematično načrtoval in stopnjeval njihovo zahtevnost ter pri tem otroke spodbujal k natančnosti in vztrajnosti, ali pa bo njihov razvoj prepustil naključnim interakcijam in otrokovi izbiri. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali napredek v razvoju izbranih drobnih gibalnih spretnosti 2–3 letnih otrok, če pedagoški proces sistematično načrtujemo, nadgrajujemo in stopnjujemo, in če pedagoški proces vodimo tako, da otrokovo aktivnost prepustimo njegovi naključni izbiri. V kvazi eksperiment smo zajeli 2 skupini 2–3 letnih otrok, in sicer je bilo v vsaki po 12 otrok. Prva skupina je bila eksperimentalna, z njo smo izvajali sistematično načrtovani program, druga pa kontrolna, pri kateri programa nismo izvajali. Učinkovitost programa smo ugotavljali preko napredka v testih škatla in kocke (Box and Block Test) in vtikanje zatičev (Nine-Hole Peg Test). Ugotovili smo, da sta obe skupini napredovali, pri čemer je bil napredek eksperimentalne skupine večji od kontrolne, kar nakazuje, da sistematično načrtovane dejavnosti prispevajo k hitrejšemu napredovanju v razvoju izbranih drobnih gibov. Kontrolna skupina je pri testu škatla in kocke dosegla 5-% napredek pri dominatni in nedominantni roki, eksperimentalna skupina pa je pri istem testu dosegla 42,6-% napredek pri dominantni roki in 12-% napredek pri nedominantni roki. Kontrolna skupina je pri testu vtikanje zatičev dosegla 9,1-% napredek pri dominantni roki in 7,3-% napredek pri nedominantni roki, medtem ko je eksperimentalna skupina pri istem testu dosegla 21,2-% napredek pri dominantni roki in 13,2-% napredek pri nedominantni roki.

Keywords:Predšolski otroci, Motorične sposobnosti, drobni gibi, koordinacija, mišice, gibanje, razvoj, napredek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:C. dos Santos Caserman, V. Zakrajšek
Number of pages:27 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162558 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209068291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fine motor skills of 2-3 year olds
Fine motor skills are those skills that involve the use of small muscles (e.g., muscles of the hands, fingers, face, etc.). The development of fine motor skills requires frequent practice, based on the principles of progressing from easier to more challenging tasks. This can involve a progression from larger to smaller tasks or vice versa, from harder to softer materials or vice versa, etc. It is essential that the child engages with appropriate materials and spends a significant amount of time creating with them. In kindergarten, there are various opportunities to develop fine motor skills. It depends on the educator whether they will systematically plan and gradually increase the complexity of these activities while encouraging children to be precise and persistent, or whether they will leave their development to random interactions and the child’s choice. In this thesis, we compared the progress in the development of selected fine motor skills in children aged 2-3 years when the educational process is systematically planned, upgraded, and progressively made more challenging, versus when the educational process is led in a way that leaves the child's activity to their random choice. The quasi-experiment included two groups of children aged 2-3 years, with 12 children in each group. The first group was the experimental group, with which we implemented a systematically planned program, while the second group served as the control group, which did not participate in this program. The effectiveness of the program was assessed through progress in the "Box and Block Test" and the "Nine-Hole Peg Test". We found that both groups made progress, with the experimental group showing greater progress than the control group, indicating that systematically planned activities contribute to more rapid advancement in the development of selected fine motor skills. In the "Box and Block Test", the control group achieved a 5% improvement with both the dominant and non-dominant hands, while the experimental group achieved a 42.6% improvement with the dominant hand and a 12% improvement with the non-dominant hand. In the "Nine-Hole Peg Test", the control group achieved a 9.1% improvement with the dominant hand and a 7.3% improvement with the non-dominant hand, whereas the experimental group achieved a 21.2% improvement with the dominant hand and a 13.2% improvement with the non-dominant hand.

Keywords:fine motor skills, coordination, muscles, movement, development, progress

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