
Uporaba orodij umetne inteligence za pouk biologije med osnovnošolci in srednješolci
ID Pavlinjek, Natalija (Author), ID Tomažič, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Umetna inteligenca je hitro razvijajoče se področje tehnologije, ki prodira v različna področja, vključno z izobraževanjem. Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti kakšna je uporaba orodij umetne inteligence med osnovnošolci in srednješolci, identificirati najbolj priljubljena orodja umetne inteligence in analizirati razlike v uporabi teh orodij glede na raven izobraževanja, spola in motive učencev in dijakov. Poseben poudarek smo namenili uporabi orodij umetne inteligence pri pouku biologije. Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili metodo anketiranja. Anketirali smo 107 osnovnošolcev in 164 srednješolcev. Ugotovili smo, da osnovnošolci pogosteje uporabljajo orodja umetne inteligence kot srednješolci. Obe skupini najpogosteje uporabljata orodja umetne inteligence za namen izobraževanja in sicer najpogosteje posežejo po orodju ChatGPT-3.5 in prevajalniku Google Translate. Srednješolci imajo bolj izoblikovana in kritična stališča do uporabe umetne inteligence, izražajo večjo zaskrbljenost glede vpliva umetne inteligence na družbo in bolje prepoznavajo njene prednosti in slabosti. Osnovnošolci imajo bolj nevtralna stališča in manj izoblikovana mnenja glede umetne inteligence. Srednješolci in osnovnošolci niso posebej naklonjeni nadomeščanju klasičnega pouka z orodji umetne inteligence. Prav tako obe skupini menita, da orodja umetne inteligence ne morejo nadomestiti učiteljeve razlage bioloških vsebin.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, orodja, izobraževanje, pouk biologije, stališča, osnovnošolci, srednješolci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Pavlinjek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162535 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211808771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The use of artificial intelligence tools for biology lessons among primary and secondary school students
Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing field of technology that is permeating various areas, including education. The aim of this master thesis was to identify the use of artificial intelligence tools among primary and secondary school students, to identify the most popular artificial intelligence tools and to analyse the differences in the use of these tools according to the level of education, gender and motives of the students. We put special emphasis on the use of artificial intelligence tools in biology lessons. We used a survey method to collect data. We interviewed 107 primary and 164 secondary school students. We found that primary school students use artificial intelligence tools more often than secondary school students. Both groups use artificial intelligence tools for educational purposes most often, with ChatGPT-3.5 and Google Translate being the most frequently used tools. Secondary school pupils have more sophisticated and critical views on the use of artificial intelligence, are more concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on society and are better able to identify its advantages and disadvantages. Primary school pupils have more neutral views and less formed opinions on artificial intelligence. Secondary and primary school pupils are not particularly in favour of replacing traditional classroom teaching with artificial intelligence tools. Both groups also feel that artificial intelligence tools cannot replace a teacher's explanation of biological content.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, tools, education, biology lessons, attitudes, primary school students, secondary school students

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