The longevity of high-yielding dairy cows brings numerous benefits to farmers. A longer lifespan of dairy cows enables more stable milk production, better cow health and reduces the need for replacement heifers, which also has a positive effect on the profitability of such herds. Premature culling of dairy cows leads to lower lifetime production, fewer calves, higher rearing costs per liter of milk produced and a lower proportion of older cows in the herd. The main reasons for culling are death, low milk yield, diseases such as mastitis, metabolic diseases, fertility problems, injuries, lameness or poor conformation, especially udder, teat position and problems with feet and legs. A key factor in extending the lifespan of dairy cows is successful reproduction, optimal health and ensuring the best possible comfort at all stages of life. Optimizing the reproductive cycle, preventing and treating diseases in time and avoiding injuries are crucial for a longer lifespan. Longevity also has a positive impact on the environment as it reduces the emissions associated with rearing replacement animals. A longer lifespan of cows enables more sustainable and efficient milk production. In Slovenia, despite selection for longevity, the lifespan of dairy cows is decreasing in all three breeds, although lifetime production is increasing.