
Genetic basis of kin discrimination in Bacillus subtilis
ID Mršol, Manca (Author), ID Štefanič, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID da Rocha, Ulisses Nunes (Comentor)

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Kin discrimination (KD) is the capacity to distinguish individuals based on their (phylo)genetic relation, a behavior seen in organisms like the Gram-positive soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis. In this study, a detailed investigation of 40 B. subtilis strains was conducted to identify and characterize unique features specific to its KD groups. The groups were determined by observing how strains interact with each other during swarming on agar plates. The analysis of 40 complete of B. subtilis genomes, employing genome annotation tools such as Prokka, PGAP, PredicTF, and BioAutoML along with manual curation of the comQXP locus, contributed to the creation of a new binary dataset. This dataset led to the discovery of specific genetic markers unique to each kin group, thereby uncovering the diverse genetic composition of B. subtilis. The identified genetic elements were predominantly related to cell wall synthesis, stress response, and antibiotic/antimicrobial properties. Additionally, the study utilized ML algorithms in combination with core genome alignement and Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) for classifying kin groups and developed a pipeline integrating both methods. Currently, ANI surpasses the ML approach in performance. However, to truly identify unique markers we would need a bigger dataset with more genomes and further laboratory research to verify the accuracy of both methods and the identified markers.

Keywords:kin discrimination, Bacillus subtilis, machine learning, average nucleotide identity
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Mršol]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162523 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208826115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:Genetska osnova sorodstvenega razlikovanja pri bakteriji Bacillus subtilis
Sorodstveno razlikovanje (KD) je sposobnost razlikovanja posameznikov na podlagi njihovega (filo)genetskega sorodstva, kar je značilno za organizme, kot je po Gramu pozitivna bakterija Bacillus subtilis. V tej študiji smo opravili podrobno analizo 40 sevov B. subtilis, z namenom iskanja genetskih elementov značilnih za 12 sorodstvenih skupin. Sorodstvene skupine so bile ugotovljene na podlagi interakcij med sevi ob rojenju na agarskih ploščah. Analiza 40 zaključenih genomov B. subtilis, ki je vključevala uporabo orodij za anotacijo genomov, kot so Prokka, PGAP, PredicTF in BioAutoML, ter ročno urejanje lokusa comQXP, je pripomogla k ustvarjanju nove podatkovne množice z binarnimi podatki. Ta nabor podatkov je omogočil odkritje genetskih označevalcev, ki so edinstveni za vsako sorodstveno skupino, in s tem razkril raznoliko genetsko sestavo B. subtilis. Identificirani genetski elementi so bili večinoma povezani s sintezo celične stene, odzivom na stres in antibiotičnimi/protimikrobnimi lastnostmi. V študiji so bili poleg tega uporabljeni algoritmi strojnega učenja skupaj z analizo filogenije preko poravnave jedrnih genov in povprečne identitete nukleotidov (ANI). Razvit je bil postopek za razvrščanje sevov, ki imajo neznano sorodstveno povezavo, ki kombinira obe tehniki. Trenutno ANI v učinkovitosti prekaša metodologijo strojnega učenja. Vendar pa je za identifikacijo edinstvenih genetskih označevalcev potreben večji podatkovni nabor z večjim številom genomov, prav tako so nujne dodatne laboratorijske raziskave, ki bi potrdile točnost obeh metod in identificiranih označevalcev.

Keywords:sorodstveno razlikovanje, B. subtilis, strojno učenje, povprečna identiteta nukleotidov

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