
Analiza izzivov upravljanja urbanih dreves in gozda v Ljubljani in Brnu
ID Krafogel, Martin (Author), ID Nastran, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno Orodje za strateško pregledovanje in ukrepanje (ang. Trees for Resilient Green Cities: Strategic Screening and Action Toolkit) in uporaba le tega v mestih Ljubljana in Brno. Ugotavljali smo, na katerih področjih upravljanja urbanih gozdov v mestih Ljubljana in Brno so potrebne izboljšave, kam bi se morali usmeriti pri načrtovanju upravljanja urbanih gozdov in kje so pomanjkljivosti, ki se jih da izboljšati. V Ljubljani in Brnu aktivno upravljajo z urbanimi drevesi in gozdovi, pri čemer se osredotočajo na trajnostno upravljanje, vključevanje deležnikov in prilagajanju na podnebne spremembe. V obeh mestih so dobro zasnovani načrti, ki vključujejo zaščito obstoječih dreves in ohranjanje naravnih habitatov. Izzivi, s katerimi se soočajo, vključujejo urbanizacijo, klimatske spremembe, ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti, onesnaženost zraka in vodne vire. Poseben poudarek je na prilagajanju zelenih površin na podnebne spremembe, obvladovanju invazivnih vrst in zagotavljanju finančnih sredstev za vzdrževanje. Ključnega pomena je sodelovanje med različnimi deležniki, učinkovita organizacija in izmenjava dobrih praks znotraj Evropske unije. V prihodnje je potrebno povečati proračun za razvoj zelenih površin ter izboljšati sisteme za namakanje in varstvo okolja. Z usklajenim pristopom lahko mesta prispevajo k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja in odpornosti na podnebne spremembe.

Keywords:urbano gozdarstvo, upravljanje, mestna drevesa, Strategic Screening and Action Toolkit
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Krafogel]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162520 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208844291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of urban tree and forest management challenges in Ljubljana and Brno
This thesis presents Trees for Resilient Green Cities, Strategic Screening and Action Toolkit, and its application in the cities of Ljubljana and Brno. We have identified where improvements are needed in urban forest management in Ljubljana and Brno, where we should focus our urban forest management planning and where there are gaps that can be improved. Ljubljana and Brno actively manage urban trees and forests, focusing on sustainable management, stakeholder involvement and adaptation to climate change. Both cities have well-designed plans that include the protection of existing trees and the conservation of natural habitats. The challenges they face include urbanisation, climate change, biodiversity conservation, air pollution and water resources. Particular emphasis is placed on adapting green spaces to climate change, managing invasive species and securing funding for maintenance. Cooperation between different stakeholders, efficient organisation and the exchange of good practices within the European Union are of crucial importance. In the future, the budget for green space development needs to be increased and irrigation and environmental protection systems improved. With a coordinated approach, cities can contribute to improving the quality of life and resilience to climate change.

Keywords:urban forestry, management, urban trees, Strategic Screening and Action Toolkit

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