
Sistematični pregled kriterijev enakosti in podobnosti blagovnih znamk Evropske unije
ID Kovač, Liza (Author), ID Podobnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Verjetnost zmede predstavlja eno izmed tožbenih podlag iz 8. člena Uredbe o blagovni znamki Evropske unije, na podlagi katere imetnik prejšnje blagovne znamke lahko ugovarja registraciji znamke, za katero je bila vložena prijava. Skladno z drugo alinejo 1. odstavka 8. člena Uredbe o blagovni znamki Evropske unije je verjetnost zmede odvisna od stopnje podobnosti med blagovnimi znamkami in podobnosti med njihovim blagom in storitvami. Sodišče Evropske Unije je pri tem primerjavo blaga in storitev ter primerjavo znakov opredelilo kot koraka presoje verjetnosti zmede. Rezultat primerjave blaga in storitev ter primerjave znakov je lahko bodisi ugotovitev, da so blago in storitve ali znaki znamke v primerjavi z drugo blagovno znamko enaki, podobni ali različni. Dejavnike in kriterije za ugotovitev enakosti, podobnosti in različnosti je v sodni praksi razvilo Sodišče Evropske unije. Podobnost med blagom in storitvami primerjanih znamk je lahko ugotovljena na podlagi dejavnikov narave, predvidenega namena, načina uporabe, dopolnjevanja, medsebojne konkurenčnosti, distribucijskih poti, upoštevne javnosti ali običajnega izvora znamk. Primerjava znakov znamk poteka na treh ravneh: vizualni, zvočni in pojmovni. Pri tem se upoštevajo razlikovalni in prevladujoči elementi znamk, elementi z neodvisno razlikovalno vlogo ter znamka kot celota. Magistrsko delo nudi podroben sistematičen vpogled v vse kriterije za ugotitev enakosti in podobnosti blaga in storitev ter znakov primerjanih blagovnih znamk. Ob tem obravnava glavne problematike in pomankljivosti danega sistema.

Keywords:evropske blagovne znamke, dvojna enakost, verjetnost zmede, podobnost blaga in storitev, podobnost med znaki, vizualna primerjava, zvočna primerjava, pojmovna primerjava, razlikovalni elementi znamk, prevladujoči elementi znamk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162479 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A systematic review of the identity and similarity criteria of European Union trade marks
Likelihood of confusion represents one of the grounds of action provided for in Article 8 of the EU Trade Mark Regulation, under which the proprietor of an earlier trade mark may oppose the registration of the trade mark applied for. According to the second indent of Article 8(1) of the EU Trade Mark Regulation, the likelihood of confusion depends on the degree of similarity between the trade marks and the similarity between their goods and services. In this respect, the CJEU has defined the comparison of goods and services and the comparison of signs as steps in the assessment of the likelihood of confusion. Comparison of goods and services and comparison of signs may result either in a finding that the goods and services or the signs of a trade mark are identical, similar or dissimilar in comparison with another trade mark. The factors and criteria for establishing identity, similarity and dissimilarity have been developed in case law by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Similarity between the goods and services of the marks being compared may be established on the basis of factors such as the nature, the intended purpose, the method of use, complementarity, competition with each other, distribution channels, the relevant public or the usual origin of the marks. Signs of trademarks are compared visually, aurally and conceptually. Comparison takes into account the distinctive and dominant elements of the marks, the elements with an independent distinctive role and the mark as a whole. This master thesis provides a detailed systematic insight into the criteria for establishing the identity and similarity of the goods and services and of the signs of the marks being compared. In doing so, it addresses the main problems and shortcomings of the system.

Keywords:European trademarks, double identity, likelihood of confusion, similarity of goods and services, similarity of signs, visual comparison, phonetic comparison, conceptual comparison, distinctive elements of the marks, dominant elements of the marks

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