
Omejitev pogodbene avtonomije v stanovanjskih najemnih razmerjih: analiza izbranih institutov
ID Fink, Miha (Author), ID Lutman, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stanovanje je kot posameznikovo prebivališče eksistencialno izredno pomembna dobrina. Ne zagotavlja mu namreč le osnovnih pogojev za preživetje, pač pa predstavlja tudi njegov dom. Posameznik, ki v stanovanju prebiva na podlagi najemne pogodbe, uživa posebno zakonsko in ustavnopravno varstvo. Tako pravna teorija kot tudi sodna praksa sta namreč zavzeli stališče, da je najemnik v primerjavi z najemodajalcem šibkejša pogodbena stranka, zato mu je treba prek kogentnih določb Stanovanjskega zakonika zagotoviti ustrezno varstvo. Varstvo najemnika se v stanovanjskih najemnih razmerjih odraža v omejitvi pogodbene avtonomije, kar je v obligacijskem pravu izjema. Magistrsko delo v svoji vsebini najprej opredeli relevantno pravno podlago za sklepanje stanovanjskih najemnih razmerij. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni konkretni razlogi, zakaj je najemnik v primerjavi z najemodajalcem šibkejša pogodbena stranka, zatem pa je opredeljen pomen stanovanja kot ustavnopravno varovane dobrine. Kratkemu primerjalnopravnemu pregledu sledi podrobnejša obravnava posameznih institutov. Namen magistrskega dela je namreč te institute analizirati in predstaviti razloge za njihovo kogentno naravo. Pri tem ima pomembno vlogo tudi sodna praksa. Zaradi širine obravnavane tematike se magistrsko delo osredotoča zgolj na tržna najemna razmerja, torej na tista, kjer v vlogi najemodajalca ne nastopa javnopravni subjekt. V sklepnem delu se opredeli do ustreznosti pozitivnopravne ureditve. Naslavljanje varstva najemnika namreč po naravi stvari pomeni določen poseg v pravice najemodajalca, zaradi česar je ključno vzpostaviti takšno zakonsko ureditev, ki je vzdržna za obe pogodbeni stranki.

Keywords:Stanovanjski zakon, stanovanjsko najemno razmerje, najemnik, najemodajalec, najemna pogodba, omejevanje pogodbene avtonomije, varstvo šibkejše stranke, stanovanje.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162477 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Limitation of Contractual Autonomy in Residential Tenancy Relations: Analysis of Selected Institutes
As an individual's place of residence, a flat is, in existential terms, an extremely important asset. Namely, it not only provides an individual with the basic conditions for survival, but also represents his home. Moreover, a person residing in a flat based on a rental agreement enjoys special legal and constitutional protection. Both legal theory and jurisprudence have taken the position that the tenant is the weaker contracting party in relation to the landlord, so it is necessary to provide the tenant with adequate protection through the mandatory provisions of the Housing Act. Therefore, the protection of the tenant in residential tenancies is reflected in the limitation of contractual autonomy, which is an exception in law of obligations. In terms of content, this master's thesis first defines the relevant legal basis for concluding residential tenancies. It goes on to provide specific reasons why the tenant is the weaker contracting party compared to the landlord, and define the importance of housing as a constitutionally protected asset. A brief overview of comparative law is then followed by a more detailed examination of individual institutions. After all, the purpose of this master's thesis is to analyse these institutions and present the reasons for their mandatory nature. Jurisprudence also plays an important role in the matter. Due to the breadth of the topic discussed, the master's thesis focuses only on commercial tenancies, i.e. those where the landlord is not an entity governed by public law. The concluding section defines the adequacy of the positive legal regulations. Addressing the protection of the tenant, by the nature of things, presents a certain level of interference with the rights of the landlord, which is why it is crucial to establish a legal arrangement that is sustainable for both contractual parties.

Keywords:Housing Act, residental tenancy relationship, tenant, landlord, lease agreement, limitation of contractual autonomy, protecion of the weaker party, appartment.

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