
Manipulacija merila v tipografiji / Manipulacija merila v tipografiji
ID Orel Pogačar, Lara (Author), ID Černe Oven, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fras, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Digitalna (r)evolucija je demokratizirala oblikovanje in olajšala manipuliranje tipografske forme. V teoretičnem delu te naloge tako opišemo začetke in razvoj digitalnega oblikovanja črkovnih vrst. Obravnavamo evolucijo oblikovalske računalniške tehnologije in vpliv le-te na tipografske forme in tehnike oblikovanja določenega časa. Analiziramo procese določenih oblikovalcev črkovnih vrst in izbrane črkovne vrste. Opišemo tudi optične prilagoditve glifov glede na določeno merilo. Izsledke teoretičnega dela nato uporabimo za praktični del naloge, v katerem izvedemo tipografski eksperiment z oblikovanjem variabilnih tipografskih znakov. V oblikovnem delu naloge je poudarek predvsem na procesu oblikovanja. Z uporabo tehnologije variabilnih fontov manipuliramo tipografske forme ter skozi vizualno raziskovanje ustvarjamo fluidne grafične forme, katere zaradi prepoznavnosti še vedno lahko označimo kot tipografski znak.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, oblikovanje črkovnih vrst, tipografska forma, manipulacija, tipografsko merilo, eksperiment, variabilni fonti, tehnološki razvoj, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162476 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Title:Manipulating the Typographic Scale / Manipulating the Typographic Scale
Digital (r)evolution democratized design and made it easier to manipulate the typographic form. In the theoretical part of this thesis we describe the beginnings and development of digital type design. We study the evolution of the design computer technology and the way it shaped the typographic form along with the techniques of its time. We analyze the processes of certain type designers and chosen fonts. We also describe optical adjustments of the glyphs in certain scales. We then use the findings of the theoretical part to design the practical part which consists of a typographic experiment by which we design variable typographic symbols. In the design section of this thesis we emphasize the importance of the design process. We manipulated the typographic form with the use of variable font technology and through visual exploration created fluid graphic shapes, which can still be called typographic signs because of its recognisability.

Keywords:visual communication, graphic design, type design, typographic shape, manipulation, typographic scale, experiment, variable font, technological evolution, master thesis

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