
Papežinja Ivana VIII - stripovska priredba istoimenskega romana Emanuela D. Roidisa
ID Bešter, Mirjam (Author), ID Stepančič, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga v prvem delu obravnava posebnosti stripa, zlasti značilno znakovno organizacijo, ki spodbuja različne interpretacije delovanja. Podrobneje predstavi izpeljavo Oleja Frahma, ki poudarja samozadostnost stripovskega medija. V nadaljevanju predstavi koncept parodije po Mihaelu Bahtinu, ki ga nato poveže s Frahmovo tezo o parodični strukturi stripa. Nazadnje osvetli Frahmovo povezavo med stripom in parodijo tudi z vidika ustvarjalca. V drugem delu se posveti izzivom priredbe iz literarne v grafično pripoved. Predstavi zgodovinsko ozadje srednjeveške legende o ženski papežinji in roman Papežinja Ivana VIII Emanuela D. Roidisa. Predstavi dokumentiran proces priredbe romana v stripovski medij v soavtorstvu s scenaristom. Utemelji tehnične in stilske likovne odločitve v odnosu do pripovednih in žanrskih zahtev zgodbe.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, strip, parodija, Emanuel D. Roidis: Papežinja Ivana VIII, grafična priredba, vizualna pripoved, ustvarjalno sodelovanje, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Title:Pope Joan VIII - Comic Book Adaptation of Emanuel D. Roidis Novel
The first part of the master's thesis examines the specific features of comics, particularly the characteristic sign organization, which encourages a variety of interpretations of its functioning. It presents in more detail the derivation of Ole Frahm, emphasizing the self-sufficiency of the medium of comics. Furthermore, it introduces Michael Bakhtin's concept of parody and relates it to Frahm's thoughts on the parodic structure of comics. Finally, it highlights Frahm's connection between comics and parody from the creator's point of view. The second part of the thesis focuses on the challenges of adapting a literary work into a graphic narrative. It presents the historical background of the medieval legend about a woman who became pope and the novel Pope Joan by Emanuel D. Roidis. It presents the documented process of adapting the novel into the medium of comics, co-authored by a screenwriter. In the final chapters, the thesis justifies technical and stylistic creative choices in relation to the narrative and genre requirements of the story.

Keywords:visual communications, comics, parody, Emanuel D. Roidis: Pope Joan, graphic adaptation, visual narration, creative collaboration, MA thesis

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