
Pravni in etični vidiki problematike otrok v povezavi s socialnimi omrežji
ID Hojs, Ema (Author), ID Čufar, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu so družbena omrežja postala izjemno velik del našega življenja. V okviru le-teh delimo utrinke zasebnega življenja, ki lahko razkrivajo izjemno veliko informacij. V tem kontekstu se pojavlja tudi problematika deljenja svojega otroka na družbenih omrežjih s strani staršev, gre za t. i. sharenting. Pojav sharentinga raziskujem skozi različne vidike. Najprej podrobneje predstavim sharenting, nato raziskujem njegove etične ter pravne vidike. V prvem poglavju analiziram pojav sharentinga in ugotavljam vse njegove razsežnosti, ki se povezujejo z različnimi vidiki. Gre za družbeni pojav, ki se povezuje s sferami, kot so identiteta staršev, družinska dinamika in pojav vplivnežev, ki za potrebe ohranjanja svoje spletne persone potrebujejo prikazovanje svojega otroka. Nato nadaljujem z analizo etičnih vidikov, v okviru katerih ugotavljam nevarnosti, ki jih prinese sharenting, in dolgoročne vplive sharentinga na otroka. Te se nanašajo tako na duševno zdravje otroka kakor na druge vidike, ki se povezujejo z njegovo digitalno identiteto. Pri tem se pojavijo tudi številne nevarnosti, ki se lahko uresničijo. Nekatere so na prvi pogled bolj predvidljive, spet druge manj. Vsekakor pa ugotavljam, da so posledice, ki jih sharenting lahko pusti, izjemno negativne ter nevarne. Po preučitvi etičnih vidikov začnem z analizo pravnih vidikov. Problematiko preučim v okviru slovenske pravne ureditve, pravne ureditve v okviru Evropske unije ter pravne ureditve v Franciji. Gre za državo, ki je problematiko sharentinga že prepoznala ter jo pravno naslovila. Zaključim s sklepom, v okviru katerega ugotavljam, da gre za pojav, pri katerem bi morali poskrbeti za večjo ozaveščenost v družbi ter bolj podrobno pravno ureditev.

Keywords:pravice otrok, starševska skrb, družbena omrežja, sharenting, etični vidiki, pravni vidiki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162472 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Legal and Ethical Aspects of the Issue of Children on Social Media
In todays world, social media has become a very important part of our lives. It is where we share glimpses into our private lives, which can reveal a wealth of information. In this context, we come across the issue of parents posting content that includes their children on social media, also known as sharenting. In this thesis, I explore the phenomenon of sharenting from different perspectives. First, I introduce sharenting in more detail, then I explore its ethical and legal aspects. In the firstchapter, I analyse the phenomenon of sharenting and identify all its dimensions, which are linked to different aspects. Sharenting is a social phenomenon that is linked to spheres such as the identity of a parent, family dynamics and the phenomenon of influencers who need to display their child on social media in order to maintain their online persona. I then go on to analyse the ethical aspects of sharenting, identifying the dangers of sharenting and the long-termeffects of sharenting on the child. These relate to the mental health of the child, as well as to other aspects relating to his or her digital identity. There are also a number of dangers that can materialise in this context. Some are more predictable, others less so. In any case, I find that the consequences of sharenting can be extremely negative and dangerous. After examining the ethical aspects, I also analyse the legal aspects. I examine the issue in the context of the Slovenian legal order, the legal order of the European Union, and the legal order in France. The latter is a country that has already recognised the problem of sharenting and has addressed it legally. I finish with the conclusion that this is a phenomenon for which we should ensure greater awareness in our society and more detailed regulation.

Keywords:the rights of children, parental care, social media, sharenting, ethical aspects, legal aspects

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