
Mehanizmi zadrževanja ključnih kadrov v organizaciji : diplomsko delo
ID Vidovič, Polona (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času tehnološkega razvoja, globalizacije in staranja prebivalstva se na trgu dela odvija prava vojna za talente. Kako zadržati uspešne zaposlene v organizaciji je postalo eno izmed ključnih vprašanj funkcije menedžmenta človeških virov. Ključni kadri s svojim specifičnim znanjem in sposobnostmi predstavljajo vir konkurenčne prednosti organizacije. Vseživljenjske zaposlitve so preteklost, saj so danes ovire za menjavo službe rekordno nizke. Tudi pričakovanja zaposlenih so se spremenila, mlajše generacije od delodajalcev pričakujejo precej več. Plača je večini še zmeraj pomembna in mora biti konkurenčna, vendar po številnih raziskavah zaposleni bolj cenijo možnost razvoja, dobre odnose in klimo v podjetju, ter ustrezno vodenje, ki temelji na empatiji. Izguba ključnega kadra predstavlja velik strošek za organizacijo in odhod tihega znanja. Organizacija si mora prizadevati, da je v očeh zaposlenih prepoznana kot dober delodajalec in si tako zagotoviti pripadnost svojih najboljših zaposlenih. V diplomskem delu sem opozorila na pomembnost ustreznega upravljanja s ključnimi kadri za organizacijo. Na podlagi študija literature in izsledkov raziskave v empiričnem delu ugotavljam, da so najpomembnejši mehanizmi za zadrževanje ključnih kadrov: skrb za zadovoljstvo in zavzetost zaposlenih, vlaganje v njihov osebni in karierni razvoj, omogočanje spodbudnega delovnega okolja, ustrezen sistem nagrajevanja, avtentično vodenje ter skrb za ravnovesje med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem. Uspešno zadrževanje ključnih kadrov zahteva proaktivnost skozi vsakodnevne prakse, ki krepijo zadovoljstvo in pripadnost najbolj dragocenih talentov.

Keywords:ključni kadri, vojna za talente, razvoj kadrov, zadovoljstvo pri delu, zadrževanje ključnih kadrov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Vidovič
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (70 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162414 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213007619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Mechanisms to retain key employees in an Organization
In today's age of technological development, globalization and an aging population, a real war for talent is taking place on the labour market. How to retain successful employees in an organization has become one of the key issues of the human resource management function. With their specific knowledge and skills, key employees represent a source of the organization's competitive advantage. Lifelong jobs are a thing of the past, as the barriers to change jobs are now at a record low. The expectations of employees have also changed, with the younger generation expecting much more from their employers. For the most, salary is still important and must be competitive, however, according to numerous surveys, employees value more the possibility of development, good relations and climate in the company as well as appropriate leadership based on empathy. The loss of key employees represents a large cost for the organization and the departure of tacit knowledge. The organization must strive to be recognized by employees as a good employer and thus ensure the loyalty of its best employees. In this undergraduate thesis I emphasised the importance of proper management of key employees for the organization. Based on the study of the literature and survey results in the empirical part, I conclude that the most important mechanisms for retaining key employees are the following: ensuring employee satisfaction and engagement, investing in their personal and career development, providing a stimulating working environment, an appropriate reward system, authentic management and care for work-life balance. Successful retention of key employees requires being proactive through daily practices that enhance the satisfaction and commitment of the most valuable talents.

Keywords:key employees, war for talent, employee development, job satisfaction, retention of key employees

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