
Preizkus delovanja kompenzatorja nagiba instrumentov GNSS : diplomska naloga
ID Grebenc, Peter (Author), ID Sterle, Oskar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ritlop, Klemen (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali preizkus delovanja kompenzatorja nagiba v GNSS-instrumentih, ki omogočajo kakovostno določanje koordinat, brez potrebe po horizontiranju instrumenta. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali uporaba kompenzatorja vpliva na natančnost RTK-izmere in ali lahko pripomore k izboljšanju določitve koordinat. Na podlagi raziskovalnih vprašanj, smo izvedli dva preizkusa, v katerih smo koordinate, določene na podlagi izmere RTK z uporabo kompenzacije nagiba in brez, primerjali z referenčnimi vrednostmi in analizirali dobljene razlike. V prvem preizkusu smo ugotovil, da kompenzacija nagiba lahko vpliva na končne rezultate RTK-izmere. Drugi preizkus je pokazal, da pri terenski RTK-izmeri kompenzacija nagiba lahko pripomore k izboljšanju rezultatov. Z analizo rezultatov nismo prišli do enoličnega zaključka, saj so bili rezultati odvisni od uporabe instrumenta. Kljub tem ugotovitvam je uporaba kompenzacije nagiba smiselna, ko želimo določiti koordinate točke, nad katero instrumenta ne moremo centrirati, ali pa nam nagib omogoča boljše pogoje za izvedbo meritve.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, nagib instrumenta, IMU-sistem, RTK-izmera, statična GNSS-izmera, Trimble R12i, Leica GS18 T
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Grebenc]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 21 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162400-eb54d6c5-85cd-eaeb-fd35-23a62d81d547 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209214723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Testing tilt compensators of GNSS instruments
In this thesis, we test the performance of a tilt compensator in GNSS instruments that allow high-quality position determination without the need to level the instrument. We wanted to find out whether the use of a compensator affects the accuracy of the RTK measurement and whether it can help to improve the coordinate determination. Based on the research questions, two experiments were carried out in which the coordinates determined from RTK measurements with and without the use of tilt compensation were compared with reference values, and the resulting differences were analysed. In the first experiment, we found that tilt compensation can affect the results of the RTK survey. The second experiment showed that for field RTK measurements, tilt compensation can help to improve the results. The analysis of the results did not lead to a unique conclusion as the results depended on the instrument that was used. Despite these findings, the use of tilt compensation makes sense when we want to determine the coordinates of a point over which we cannot centre the instrument, or when the tilt allows us to have better conditions for taking the measurement.

Keywords:graduation thesis, instrument's inclination, IMU-system, RTK method, static GNSS method, Trimble R12i, Leica GS18 T

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