
Praznina med Vzhodom in Zahodom in njeno dojemanje pri mladih in starejših
ID Cankar, Agnes (Author), ID Petek, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava razumevanje praznine skozi zgodovino religije, kulture in filozofije Vzhoda in Zahoda. Najprej predstavim pojmovanje praznine v izbranih vzhodnih kulturah in religijah, kjer kot pomemben koncept pojavlja že od besedil budizma mahāyāna dalje. Nadaljujem z analizo pomembnejših tekstov, v katerih je praznina opredeljena kot točka popolne umiritve in najvišja stopnja meditacije. Nato je orisano razumevanje praznine med izbranimi filozofi na Zahodu. Na koncu se za razgibanost in poglobljenost diplomskega dela poslužim še raziskave s pomočjo kolaža. Izbira kolaža kot procesa iskanja prostih asociativnih povezav na temo praznine pri posameznikih se mi je zdela odlična izbira za raziskovanje razumevanja tega pojma pri mladih in starejših.

Keywords:praznina, mahāyāna, śūnyatā, zen, nič, Nagarjuna, Lie Zi, dvom, nihilizem, odsotnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162396 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Emptiness between the East and the West and its perception by young and old
This paper examines the understanding of emptiness through the history of religion, culture and philosophy in the East and the West. First, I introduce the concept of emptiness in Eastern cultures and religions, where it has played an important role since the Mahāyāna texts. I briefly outline some of the more important texts in which emptiness represents the point of complete stillness and the highest level of meditation. This is followed by an outline of the understanding of emptiness in the West by various philosophers. Finally, to make the thesis varied and interesting, I use collage as a method to search for free associative connections to the topic of emptiness in individuals seemed to me to be an excellent choice to explore the understanding of the concept in young and older people.

Keywords:emptiness, mahāyāna, śūnyatā, zen, nothingness, Nagarjuna, Lie Zi, doubt, nihilism, absence

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