
Kritični pregled varnosti in učinkovitosti zdravilnih učinkovin na osnovi majhne interferenčne RNA
ID Debevec, Kaja (Author), ID Štrukelj, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dedne bolezni so velik zdravstveni problem po vsem svetu. Vzroki za njihov nastanek so največkrat mutacije genov, kar privede do genskih nepravilnosti. Izražajo se kot nepravilno, pretirano ali nezadostno delovanje številnih transkripcijskih dejavnikov, največkrat encimov v telesu. Neustrezno delovanje encimov vodi do pojava mnogih genetskih bolezni, ki bistveno vplivajo na kakovost življenja bolnikov in pogosto zahtevajo vseživljenjsko terapijo. Novi biotehnološki postopki in boljše razumevanje patofiziologij bolezni so omogočili razvoj številnih genskih zdravil, ki predstavljajo prihodnost zdravljenja ne le bolezni z gensko nepravilnostjo, ampak tudi patofizioloških stanj, kjer lahko vplivamo na izražanje proteinov, ki vodijo v bolezensko stanje. V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na zdravila, ki delujejo na osnovi siRNA. Patisiran, givosiran, lumasiran in inclisiran so vodilne učinkovine na tem področju, zato jih označujemo s pojmom 'first in class'. S procesom RNAi (RNA interferenca) omogočajo selektivno utišanje genov. Patisiran se uporablja za zdravljenje dedne transtiretinske amiloidoze, givosiran za zdravljenje akutne jetrne porfirije, lumasiran za zdravljenje primarne hiperoksalurije tipa 1 ter inclisiran za zdravljenje primarne hiperholesterolemije ter heterozigotne družinske in nedružinske ali mešane dislipidemije. RNAi je obetaven pristop, saj odpravlja številne nepravilnosti, ki so se pojavljale pri terapijah s protitelesi, protismiselnimi oligonukleotidi in farmakološkimi zaviralci. Magistrska naloga je rezultat kritičnega pregleda kliničnih študij, v katerih so proučevali varnost in učinkovitost zgoraj navedenih učinkovin. Literaturo smo iskali preko prosto dostopnih spletnih baz podatkov ter na osnovi zadetkov kot glavno bazo zbiranja podatkov izbrali bazo MEDLINE. Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev smo v jedru naloge obravnavali po tri študije za patisiran, givosiran in lumasiran ter štiri za inclisiran. V tabelah smo prikazali ključne lastnosti študij. Povzeli smo podatke o številu udeležencev, trajanju posamezne študije, odmerjanju učinkovin in primarnih izidih ter predstavili rezultate o varnosti in učinkovitosti. V kliničnih študijah je bila dokazana učinkovitost vseh štirih učinkovin. Pozitivni učinki zdravil so bili dokazani na podlagi izboljšanih vrednosti kazalnikov, ki kažejo stopnjo bolezni, in laboratorjiskih vrednosti, ki so jih spremljali med raziskavami. Izsledki študij so pokazali izboljšanje bolezenskega stanja ali zaustavitev njenega napredovanja. Pogostosti pojavov neželenih učinkov vseh obravnavanih zdravil so bile med raziskovalnimi in kontrolnimi skupinami podobne, hkrati pa so učinkovine izkazale ugoden varnostni profil.

Keywords:RNA interferenca, patisiran, givosiran, lumasiran, inclisiran
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162367 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Critical review of safety and efficacy of active substances based on small interfering RNA
Hereditary diseases pose a great medical problem all over the world. In most cases they are caused by gene mutations, which lead to gene irregularities, resulting in incorrect, excessive or insufficient translational factors, predominantly enzyme production in the body. Improper enzyme activity leads to the emergence of many hereditary diseases, gravely affecting the patient’s quality of life and often requiring lifelong treatment. New biotechnological procedures and a better understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases have enabled the development of multiple gene-based medicines, thus forming the future of treatment for numerous diseases. Gene products as medicines are directed not only to gene-related diseases, but also represent the novel, alternative approach to modify pretranslational pathways, leading to pathophysiological conditions. This master’s thesis focuses on the small interfering RNA-based medicines. Patisiran, givosiran, lumasiran and inclisiran are the leading substances in this field, therefore they are labelled as first in class. Paired with the process of RNA interference, they enable selective gene silencing. Patisiran is used for treating hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis, givosiran for treating acute hepatic porphyria, lumasiran for treating primary hyperoxaluria type 1, and inclisiran for treating primary hypercholesterolemia as well as heterozygous familial and non-familial or mixed hypercholesterolemia. Due to eliminating numerous irregularities which occurred during treatments with antibodies, antisense oligonucleotides and pharmacological inhibitors, RNA interference offers a promising approach. This master’s thesis is the result of a critical overview of clinical studies, which studied the safety and efficacy of the above-mentioned substances. Combined with free online databases, MEDLINE was chosen as our main source of data collection. Basing on inclusion and exclusion criteria, we examined three studies of each patisiran, givosiran and lumasiran along with four studies of inclisiran, then showed the key features of the said studies in the tables. We summarised the data regarding the number of participants, the duration of each study, the dosage of the substances, and the primary results, then presented the results on their safety and efficacy. The efficacy of all four substances has been proven in the clinical studies. The positive effects of the medicines have been proven on the basis of the improved values of the set primary endpoints and laboratory values, which had been monitored during the studies. The results of the studies have shown the improvement of the patient’s disease or the cessation of its progression. Both the experimental and the control groups experienced similar frequencies of the medicines’ adverse effects, yet all the substances still displayed a favourable safety profile.

Keywords:RNA interference, patisiran, givosiran, lumasiran, inclisiran

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