
Medgeneracijsko razumevanje alkoholizma skozi koncept družinske odpornosti : magistrsko delo
ID Polanc, Julijana (Author), ID Rapuš-Pavel, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga prikazuje med generacijami pretakajočo se prisotnost alkoholizma v družini. Osvetljuje razmisleke in spomine posameznikov, ki so odraščali ob prekomernem pitju, njihove uvide v prisotnost vidikov odpornosti v primarni družini in vlog teh procesov pri zasledovanju odpornega delovanja ter vizije posameznikov o formiranju lastne družine ob upoštevanju izkušenj iz preteklosti. V teoretičnem delu naloge najprej opredelim bistvene predpostavke o družini in jo nato kot enega bistvenih sistemov utemeljim s pomočjo sistemske teorije, ki jo razširim v polje ekološke teorije. Dalje osvetlim obstoječe družbeno dogajanje in spremembe ter rišem vzporednice s preskoki v današnjem družinskem življenju. V kontekstu kompleksnih družbenih razmer se navežem na ranljive družine, med katere uvrščam tudi družine, zaznamovane s prekomernim pitjem staršev. V nadaljevanju opišem fenomen alkoholizma in različne okoliščine ter razloge zanj. Dotaknem se posledic prisotnosti alkoholizma na družinsko dinamiko, partnerski podsistem in vlogo starša ter na podsistem otrok. V teoretičnem delu pomembno poudarim koncept družinske odpornosti, pri čemer izhajam iz teoretičnega okvirja avtorice Frome Walsh. Ob osvetlitvi temeljnih sestavin odpornosti rišem vzporednice z zastopanostjo teh komponent v družinah, ki jim vlada alkoholizem. Osredotočim se tudi na usmeritve za krepitev odpornosti v ranljivih družinah. Zaradi raziskovalnega osredotočanja na specifično populacijo opredelim tudi prevladujoče poteze t. i. odraslih otrok alkoholikov in se za tem ponovno usmerim na odpornost, saj opišem izide posameznikov v odraslosti, ki prihajajo iz odpornih, z alkoholom preplavljenih družin. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge skozi spominjanje sodelujočih dobim vpogled v dogajanja, odnose in sestavine odpornosti v primarni družini ter spoznam njihove vizije za prihodnje družinsko življenje. Zasledovan je kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop, podatki pa so pridobljeni s polstrukturiranim intervjujem. Pogovori so bili izvedeni s šestimi posamezniki. Pridobljeni podatki so bili obdelani z metodo vsebinske analize. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se izkušnje bivanja ob prekomernem pitju nahajajo na kontinuumu od pozitivnih do kaotičnih in negativnih. Alkoholizem najpogosteje ni bil problematiziran, okolje, v katerega je bila družina umeščena, pa je to vedenje še spodbujalo. Pogosto je bil prisoten razdor med staršema, temu pa se je pridružilo opuščanje vlog, nalog ter zadolžitev družinskih članov. Odraščajoči posamezniki so pogosto čutili negativna čustva, kar je sprožilo različne oblike bega. Pripovedi pa pričajo tudi o prisotnosti pozitivnih odnosnih komponent v primarni družini, ki so delovale varovalno. Nabor vrednot, organizacijskih vzorcev ter komunikacijskih procesov je bil raznolik. Znotraj vseh treh komponent so se pojavljali aspekti, ki so jih sodelujoči ocenili kot sredstva za doseganje odpornosti, in tudi taki, ki so delovali razdiralno in usmerjali k ranljivosti. Vizije o ustvarjanju družine v prihodnosti so se pri udeležencih raziskave izkazale za dokaj podobne. Kljub nekaterim naslovljenim zadržkom vsi sodelujoči razmišljajo o ustvarjanju družine v prihodnosti. Večinoma menijo, da bodo delali drugače, kot so delovali njihovi starši. Prevladujoči se čutijo sposobni za vstopanje v vlogo starša. Kljub jasnim vizijam se pojavljajo tudi določeni, s prihodnostjo povezani strahovi, ki se dotikajo tudi vnašanja alkohola v nastajajoče družinsko okolje. Kljub številnim vidikom ranljivosti pa rezultati prikažejo veliko potencialov za rast, ki so jih sodelujoči kljub težkim preteklim izkušnjam uspeli vnesti v svoje življenje.

Keywords:Alkoholizem, Družina, Disfunkcionalne družine, ranljive družine, medgeneracijski prenos vzorcev, družinska odpornost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Polanc
Number of pages:125 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162363 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208527875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Intergenerational understanding of alcoholism through the concept of family resilience
This master thesis shows the intergenerational presence of alcoholism in the family. It highlights the reflections and memories of individuals who grew up in alcoholic family, their insights into the presence of resilience aspects in the primary family and the roles of these processes in the pursuit of resilient functioning, and the individuals' visions of shaping their own families in the light of past experiences. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I first define the essential assumptions about the family and then ground it as one of the essential systems by means of systems theory, which I extend to the field of ecological theory. I then shed light on current social developments and changes and draw parallels with the transitions in family life today. In the context of complex social situations, I refer to vulnerable families, which include families marked by parental excessive drinking. In the following, I describe the phenomenon of alcoholism and its causes. I touch on its impact on family dynamics, the partnership subsystem and the role of the parent, and on the subsystem of children. In the theoretical part, I put an important emphasis on the concept of family resilience, drawing on the theoretical framework of Froma Walsh. In highlighting the basic components of resilience, I draw parallels with the representation of these components in families affected by alcoholism. I also focus on the orientations for building resilience in vulnerable families. Because of the research focus on a specific population, I also identify the predominant traits of the so-called adult children of alcoholics, and follow this with a renewed focus on resilience, as I describe the outcomes in adulthood of individuals who come from resilient, alcohol-ridden families. In the empirical part of the thesis, I gain insight into the events, attitudes and components of resilience in the primary family through the recollections of the participants and learn about their visions for future family life. A qualitative research approach is pursued and data is obtained through semi-structured interviews. Interviews were conducted with six individuals. The data obtained were processed using the method of content analysis. The results show that the experience of living with heavy drinking is on a continuum from positive to chaotic to negative. Alcoholism was most often not problematised and the environment in which the family was placed encouraged this behaviour. There was often a rift between the parents, coupled with the abandonment of roles, tasks and responsibilities by family members. Growing up, individuals often felt negative emotions, which triggered various forms of flight. However, the narratives also testify to the presence of positive relational components in the primary family, which acted as a buffer. The range of values, organisational patterns and communication processes was diverse. Within all three components, there were aspects that were perceived by participants as means to achieve resilience, as well as aspects that were disruptive and oriented towards vulnerability. Visions of future family formation appeared to be quite similar among the participants. Despite some of the reservations addressed, all participants are thinking about starting a family in the future. Most of them think that they will act differently from the way their parents acted. The dominant ones feel capable of entering the role of a parent. Despite clear visions, there are also certain fears related to the future, including the introduction of alcohol into the emerging family environment. Despite the many aspects of vulnerability, the results show a lot of potential for growth, which the participants have managed to bring into their lives despite difficult past experiences.

Keywords:vulnerable families, alcoholism, intergenerational transmission of patterns, family resilience

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