
Idejna zasnova kolesarskega hotela na območju nekdanje železniške postaje v Mislinji
ID Mali, Živa (Author), ID Slak, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko športnega turizma in prenove industrijske arhitekturne dediščine. V zadnjih letih je v porastu trend preživljanja časa v neokrnjeni naravi izven urbanih mestnih središč. Pri tem se turisti množično zanimajo za spoznavanje kulturnih in zgodovinskih znamenitosti, običajev ter tradicij lokalnih skupnosti. Poleg tega pa sta zdrav način življenja in rekreacija vedno bolj razširjena med ljudmi tako v njihovem vsakdanu kot tudi na oddihu izven domačega okolja. Območje nekdanje železniške postaje v Mislinji predstavlja potencial za vzpostavitev turističnega centra v kraju. Povod za razmislek o razvoju kraja kot turistične destinacije so kulturne znamenitosti, naravne danosti, obstoječa športna infrastruktura ter posledično pestra izbira športnih vsebin. Največji potencial za razvoj športnega turizma predstavlja kolesarska pot Štrekna, ki povezuje Velenje in Dravograd. Mislinjo se lahko zato uvrsti na zemljevid turizma kot postojanka ali izhodiščna točka. Neurejeno območje nekdanje železniške postaje Mislinja v sklopu magistrskega dela postane uporabnikom prijazno turistično središče kraja. Novi s športom in turizmom povezani prostori so tako zanimivi rekreativcem in športnikom ter hkrati povežejo obiskovalce in domačine. V sklopu novega turističnega središča je urejen tudi kolesarski hotel. Pri tem gre za prenovo več kot 100 let starega železniškega postajnega poslopja, kateremu je dodan nov volumen. Ohranjanje industrijske arhitekturne dediščine pomeni stik s tradicijo, preteklim uspehom, predstavlja učinkovito promocijsko izhodišče in ima velik pomen s strani trajnostnega vidika. Med pripravo magistrskega dela je razmislek o prostoru in izpostavljeni tematiki turizma pripeljal tudi do povezave turističnega območja s središčem kraja preko prometno obremenjene regionalne ceste. Ureditev širšega urbanizma tako predlaga širitev stanovanjskega naselja Šentlenart ter umestitev nove avtobusne postaje, doma starostnikov in občinske stavbe v prostor.

Keywords:športni turizem, kolesarski turizem, kolesarski hotel, prenova, industrijska arhitekturna dediščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162346 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptual design of a cycling hotel in the area of the former railway station in Mislinja
The master thesis deals with the topic of sports tourism and renovation of industrial architectural heritage. In recent years, the trend of spending time in nature, outside urban city centers, getting to know cultural and historical sights and getting to know the customs and traditions of local communities has become very popular. In addition, a healthy lifestyle and recreation have become a part of everyday life. The area of ​​the former railway station in Mislinja represents the potential for the establishment of a tourist center. There are many reasons for the development of Mislinja as a tourist destination, such as cultural attractions, natural features, existing sports infrastructure and, as a result, a varied selection of sports content. The highest potential for the development of sports tourism is the Štrekna cycling route, which connects Velenje and Dravograd. Therefore Mislinja can be an important cycling post or starting point. In the master thesis I transform the neglected area of ​​the former Mislinja railway station into a user-friendly tourist center. New spaces related to sports and tourism become interesting for recreationists and athletes and connect visitors and locals. A new bicycle hotel would also be part of the new tourist center. The hotel would involve the renovation of a more than 100-year-old railway station building and a new modern volume. Preservation of the industrial architectural heritage means conecting it with tradition, past success and represents an excellent promotional starting point. It also offers important perspective on sustainability. The consideration of the area and the highlighted topic of tourism also led to discovering a way on how to connect the tourist area with the center of Mislinja across a traffic-heavy road. Therefore, the new urban plan proposes the expansion of the Šentlenart residential area and the placement of a new bus station, a home for the elderly and a municipal building.

Keywords:sports tourism, cycling tourism, cycling hotel, renovation, industrial architectural heritage

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