
Pravica do železnice : idejna zasnova revitalizacije železniških objektov v Baški grapi
ID Jerkič, Elvis (Author), ID Zorec, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Keršič, Andraž (Comentor)

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Prostor je produciran in vpliva na aktivnosti, ki so del njega. Temu procesu dominirajo sile globalnega kapitalizma, ki zapostavljajo ali pa zatirajo kraje in ljudi, ki ne delujejo po njihovi logiki. Te sile je v Baško grapo pripeljala Bohinjska proga, ki je preoblikovala fizično podobo doline in vpeljala nove družbene dinamike. Ker pa je bila železnica zgrajena za gospodarske in politične potrebe oddaljenih centrov je Baško grapo integrirala v obliki periferije. Spreminjajoče se meje in trgovske poti so to nepremično infrastrukturo za potrebe globalnega kapitalizma razvrednotile. Tako je Bohinjska proga postala bolj dovzetna za lokalno. Domačini so prostor železnice spremenili po lastnih potrebah. Prostor železnice so si prilastili. Postal je prostor bivanja, samostojnega dela, druženja, spoznavanja, igre, športa, sprostitve, zabave, proslave, hobijev in ustvarjalnosti. Naloga raziskuje kako so ti prostori prilaščanja nastali in kakšne so njihove karakteristike. Z intervencijami, ki se odzivajo na specifičnosti prostora železnice, se ta prilaščanja potencira in spodbuja nadaljevanje tega procesa. Prilaščanje prostora železnice v Baški grapi kaže na to, da lahko tudi na prostoru, ki je bil ustvarjen po logiki dominantnih sil, nastane prostor, ki deluje zunaj te logike. Le v prostoru, ki ga človek ustvari po svojih načelih, lahko ljudje živimo po svoji volji.

Keywords:arhitektura, železnica, Bohinjska proga, Baška grapa, prilaščanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162338 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210319363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The right to the railway : conceptual design for the revitalization of railway buildings in Baška grapa
Space is produced and it affects the activities that are part of it. This process is dominated by the forces of global capitalism, which neglect or oppress places and people who do not act according to their logic. These forces were brought to Baška Grapa by the Bohinj railway, which transformed the physical appearance of the valley and introduced new social dynamics. However, since the railway was built for the economic and political needs of distant centres, it integrated Baška Grapa in the form of a periphery. Shifting borders and trade routes have devalued this immovable infrastructure for the needs of global capitalism. Thus, the Bohinj railway became more receptive to the local. The local population transformed the space of the railway according to their own needs. They appropriated the space. It has become a place for living, independent work, socializing, getting to know each other, play, sports, leisure, fun, celebration, hobbies and creativity. The thesis investigates how these spaces of appropriation were created and what their characteristics are. Interventions that respond to the specificities of the space of the railway bolster these appropriations and encourage the continuation of this process. The appropriation of the railway space in Baška grapa shows that even in a space that was created according to the logic of dominant forces, a space can be created that operates outside of this logic. Only in a space created by humans according to their principles can people live their lives according to their wishes.

Keywords:architecture, railway, Bohinj railway, Baška grapa, appropriation

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