
Izdelava projekta organizacije gradnje s praktičnim primerom gradnje poslovne stavbe Quadro : diplomska naloga
ID Štebej, Martin (Author), ID Kryžanowski, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čas, Bojan (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja organizacijo gradbišča in vodenje gradbiščne dokumentacije za gradnjo objekta in praktični primer za organizacijo gradbišča poslovne stavbe Quadro. Zajema uvod, podatke o nameravani gradnji, izvedbo projekta pred začetkom gradbenih del, urejanje gradbišča z zakoličbo in postavitvijo prostorov na območju gradbišča, opis bistvene gradbene mehanizacije, ki se uporablja na gradbišču, izvedbo gradnje, izvedbo projekta med izvedbo gradbenih del in pridobitev uporabnega dovoljenja. V uvodu so navedene osnovne informacije v zvezi z gradbiščno dokumentacijo in organizacijo gradbišča ter opredelitev cilja in namena diplomske naloge. V drugem poglavju so opisani osnovni podatki o gradnji poslovne stavbe Quadro, ki jo navajam kot primer za lažjo predstavo glede na izdelavo projekta organizacije gradnje. V nadaljevanju je proučitev izvedbe projekta, v katero je zajet opis vse dokumentacije, ki je potrebna za začetek gradnje vključno s pravnomočnim gradbenim dovoljenjem, prijavo gradbišča, uvedbo izvajalcev v delo ter dodelitvijo vseh udeležencev. V izvedbo projekta je vključeno tudi urejanje gradbišča in temeljnih elementov, ki jih potrebujemo za ureditev. V tem sklopu je predstavljena ureditev gradbene parcele s pripadajočimi elementi, zakoličbo objekta v območju gradbišča in dogovor z vsemi soglasodajalci ter postavitev začasnih zgradb in deponij za nemoten potek gradbenih del. V diplomski nalogi je opisana tudi osnovna mehanizacija, ki jo vsako gradbišče potrebuje za izvedbo gradnje. V nadaljevanju pa so opisana vsa dela, ki so potrebna za gradnjo posameznega objekta. Med izvedbo gradnje je potrebna tudi kontrola in organizacija poteka gradnje, kar vključuje spremljanje terminskega plana, pisanje gradbenega dnevnika in gradbene knjige, zato je v nadaljevanju diplomske naloge vključeno tudi to. V zadnjem delu diplomska naloga opisuje pridobitev uporabnega dovoljenja z vso dokumentacijo, ki je potrebna za uspešno oddajo vloge za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja. V dokumentaciji je vključeno dokazilo o zanesljivosti objekta, poročilo o preizkusih, izkaz požarne varnosti, projekt izvedenih del, navodila za obratovanje in vzdrževanje ter komisijski pregled objekta in odprava pomanjkljivosti za uspešno pridobitev hišne številke in uporabnosti objekta. V zaključku pa je opredeljena pomembnost organizacije gradbišča in vodenje projektne dokumentacije na primeru tega objekta ter na splošno.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, organizacija gradbišča, gradbiščna dokumentacija, gradbena dela
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Štebej]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (VIII, 56 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162328-18a9cf66-5126-d745-dde0-0e0a962dd0d4 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209007875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a construction management project with a practical example of building the Quadro office building
The thesis presents the organization of the construction site and the management of construction site documentation for the construction of the facility, as well as a practical example of the organization of the construction site of the Quadro office building. It covers the introduction, information about the intended construction, project implementation before the start of construction works, organizing the construction site with staking and setting up facilities within the construction site area, a description of the essential construction machinery used on the site, the execution of construction, project implementation during construction works, and obtaining a use permit. The introduction provides basic information regarding construction site documentation and organization, as well as the definition of the thesis, its goal, and purpose. The second chapter describes the basic data on the construction of the Quadro office building, which is used as an example for better understanding in relation to the preparation of the construction organization project. The following sections include an analysis of project implementation, which describes all the necessary documentation for starting construction, including a valid building permit, site registration, introduction of contractors to work, and the assignment of all participants. Project implementation also includes organizing the construction site and the fundamental elements required for its setup. This section covers the arrangement of the construction plot with associated elements, staking out the building within the construction site area, and agreements with all consenting parties, as well as setting up temporary buildings and storage sites to ensure the smooth progress of construction works. The thesis also describes the basic machinery needed by every construction site to carry out the construction. The following section describes all the works required for the construction of each individual facility. During construction, it is also necessary to control and organize the construction process, which includes monitoring the schedule, writing a construction diary, and a construction book; thus, these elements are included in the thesis. The final part of the thesis describes obtaining a use permit, with all the documentation required for the successful submission of an application for a building permit. The documentation includes proof of the reliability of the building, test reports, fire safety reports, as-built drawings, operating and maintenance instructions, as well as an official inspection of the building and rectification of deficiencies for the successful acquisition of a house number and the building's usability. In conclusion, the importance of construction site organization and the management of project documentation is defined, both in the case of this building and in general.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, construction management, site documentation, building works

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