
Vpliv epidemije covida-19 na turizem v podravski statistični regiji
ID Petrovič, Alen (Author), ID Cigale, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, predstaviti in analizirati stanje turizma v podravski statistični regiji pred, med in po epidemiji covida-19 ter oceniti vpliv in uspešnost turističnih bonov na turizem v izbrani regiji ter na izbrane turistične ponudnike. S pomočjo ustrezne literature, statističnih podatkov o turizmu v regiji, podatkov o turističnih bonih in rezultatov izvedenih intervjujev s turističnimi ponudniki smo ugotovili, da je epidemija imela velik vpliv na turizem in turistične ponudnike v regiji, predvsem na število prihodov turistov ter razmerje med domačimi in tujimi turisti. V podravski regiji je bilo unovčenih za 12.190.407 EUR turističnih bonov. Število prihodov domačih turistov in tudi delež domačih turistov v regiji sta v času veljavnosti bonov narasla in odpravila primanjkljaj turistov v času zaprtij. Gibanje števila prihodov domačih turistov po mesecih v regiji in gibanje vrednosti unovčenih turističnih bonov po dnevih se v veliki meri ujemata. Mnenja turističnih ponudnikov so, da so imeli turistični boni velik vpliv nanje in so nekaterim celo pomagali preživeti v turističnem sektorju. Ocenili smo, da so bili turistični boni uspešen ukrep s strani slovenske vlade za oživitev turizma v podravski statistični regiji.

Keywords:podravska statistična regija, turizem, epidemija, covid-19, turistični boni.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162320 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:The impact of COVID-19 epidemic on tourism in the Podravje statistical region
The aim of the master thesis is to identify, present and analyse the state of tourism in the Podravje statistical region before, during and after the COVID-19 epidemic, and to assess the impact and success of tourism vouchers on tourism in the selected region and on selected tourism providers. Using relevant literature, statistical data on tourism in the region, data on tourism vouchers, and the results of interviews with tourism providers, we found that the epidemic had a significant impact on tourism and tourism providers in the region, especially on the number of tourist arrivals and the ratio of domestic to foreign tourists. In the Podravje region, EUR 12,190,407 of tourist vouchers were redeemed. The number of domestic tourist arrivals and the share of domestic tourists in the region both increased during the period of validity of the vouchers, eliminating the shortfall of tourists during the closures. The movement in the number of domestic tourist arrivals by month in the region and the movement in the value of redeemed tourist vouchers by day are broadly in line with each other. The opinions of tourism operators are that the tourist vouchers have had a significant impact on them and have even helped some of them to survive in the tourism sector. We assessed that the tourist vouchers were a successful measure by the Slovenian government to revitalise tourism in the Podravje statistical region.

Keywords:Podravje statistical region, tourism, epidemic, COVID-19, tourist vouchers.

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