
Sistem za permanentne meritve vibracij : diplomska naloga
ID Bezjak, Matic (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babič, Anže (Comentor)

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo testirali sistem za permanentno merjenje vibracij, ki je nameščen na stavbi Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani. V prvem koraku smo testirali različne pospeškomere. Pospeškomeri so naprave za zaznavanje okoliških vibracij v smislu pospeškov in so primerni za uporabo pri določevanju dinamičnih lastnosti konstrukcij. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni in uporabljeni trije senzorji: Dewesoft IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC in IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC-S ter Kinematrics EpiSensor Model FBA ES-T. Na podlagi poznavanja osnovnih karakteristik senzorjev je bilo izvedeno testiranje na potresni mizi pri različnih primerih sinusnega in potresnega nihanja. Rezultate meritev različnih senzorjev, pri različnih frekvencah vzorčenja in pri različnih primerih vzbujanja smo primerjali na podlagi izrisa spektrov pospeškov in Fourierevih spektrov. Sistem za permanentne meritve vibracij smo v drugem koraku testirali za meritve ambientnih in vsiljenih vibracij ter na podlagi meritev določil nihajni čas stavbe Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo v prečni in vzdolžni smeri. Ugotovili smo, da senzorja IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC-S in Kinematrics EpiSensor Model FBA ES-T podata primerljive rezultate nihajnega časa objekta. V prečni smeri se je nihajni čas nahajal na intervalu od 0,55 sekunde do 0,58 sekunde, v vzdolžni pa od 0,41 do 0,43 sekunde, odvisno od uporabljenega merilca in merjenja ambientnih oziroma vsiljenih vibracij. Z uporabo Dewesoft IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC senzorja nismo uspeli zelo izrazito določiti lastne frekvence stavbe zaradi nizke jakosti vibracij.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, pospeškomeri, ambientne vibracije, Fourierev spekter, spekter odziva, lastna frekvenca, nihajni čas
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Bezjak]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 32 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162319-c7b2d071-3b92-fc81-060a-93d3b7593d1f This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208988931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A system for permanent vibration measurements
As part of the thesis, we tested a system for permanent vibration measurements installed on the building of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana. In the first phase, we tested various accelerometers. Accelerometers are devices for detecting environmental vibrations in terms of accelerations and are suitable for use in determining the dynamic properties of structures. We describe and use three sensors: Dewesoft IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC and IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC-S, and the Kinemetrics EpiSensor Model FBA ES-T. Based on the understanding of the basic characteristics of the sensors, testing was performed on a shake table under various sinusoidal and seismic motion cases. The measurement results from different sensors at different sampling frequencies and for different excitation cases were compared by plotting acceleration spectra and Fourier spectra. In the second phase, we tested the system for permanent vibration measurements based on ambient and forced vibrations aimed at determining the vibration period of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering building in the transverse and longitudinal directions. We found that the sensors IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC-S and Kinemetrics EpiSensor Model FBA ES-T provided similar results for the building's vibration period. In the building's transverse direction, the vibration period ranged from 0.55 seconds to 0.58 seconds, and in the longitudinal direction, from 0.41 to 0.43 seconds, depending on the sensor used and the measurement of ambient or forced vibrations. Using the Dewesoft IOLITEiw 3xMEMS-ACC sensor, we were not able to distinctly determine the building's natural frequency due to the low intensity of vibrations.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, accelerometers, ambient vibration, fourier spectrum, response spectrum, natural frequency, natural vibration period

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