
Ponori ogljika v gozdovih GGE Novo mesto - jug
ID Kavčič, Tina (Author), ID Bončina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mali, Boštjan (Comentor)

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Gozdovi so bili prepoznani kot ena izmed kategorij, ki ima potencial pri zagotavljanju dolgoročnih koristi za podnebje, zato so vključeni v izvajanje podnebne politike EU. Prilagodili smo postopek ocenjevanja spremembe zaloge ogljika in bilance CO2 na ravni gozdnogospodarske enote, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti pri pripravi gozdnogospodarskih načrtov v Sloveniji. Postopek omogoča, da na podlagi podatkov s stalnih vzorčnih ploskev s pomočjo drevesnih kod ugotovimo vzroke za povečanje in izgube ogljika, ki jih lahko dodatno razčlenimo po sestojnih tipih. Ovrednotimo lahko vpliv prirastka, mortalitete, vrasti in predvsem načrtovanega poseka na končno zalogo ogljika. Sprememba zaloge ogljika je odvisna od razlike med povečevanjem (priraščanje, vrast) in izgubami (sečnja, mortaliteta). Ugotovili smo, da se je v obravnavanem obdobju 2011–2021 v gozdnogospodarski enoti Novo mesto – jug zaloga ogljika povečala za 3,1 t C ha-1 in s tem predstavljala ponor –11,37 t CO2 ha-1. Največja letna akumulacija ogljika je bila na račun intenzivne rasti in vrasti ter najnižjega poseka v mladovju (1,91t C ha-1 leto-1). Akumulacija je bila prav tako visoka v pionirskih gozdovih z grmišči, panjevcih in posamično do šopasto raznomernih gozdovih, kjer je bilo manj poseka. V debeljakih se je zaloga ogljika le rahlo povišala (0,01 t C ha-1 leto-1). Zaloga ogljika se je znižala v skupinsko do gnezdasto raznomernih gozdovih (–1,86 t C ha-1 leto-1) in sestojih v obnovi (–1,17 t C ha-1 leto-1), kjer se je izvajalo največ sečnje. Z modelom smo pojasnili 91,4 % variabilnosti letnih bilanc CO2. Največji vpliv je imela sečnja, ki je pojasnila 89 % te variabilnosti. Glede na drevesne vrste se je količina uskladiščenega ogljika v preučevanem desetletju najbolj povečala na račun uspešnega pomlajevanja in priraščanja bukve (0,32 t C ha-1), medtem ko se je zmanjšala predvsem na račun sečnje smreke (–0,27 t C ha-1). Pričakujemo nadaljevanje trenda.

Keywords:sprememba zaloge ogljika, bilanca CO2, sestojni tipi, vplivni dejavniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Kavčič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162315 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208414723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Carbon sinks in the forests of the Novo mesto - south forest management unit
Forests have been recognized as a critical category with significant potential to deliver long-term climate benefits, making them integral to the implementation of the EU climate policy. In order to support this, we have adapted a method for estimating changes in carbon stock and CO2 balance at the forest management unit level, which can be applied in the preparation of forest management plans in Slovenia. This method utilizes data from permanent sample plots to identify factors contributing to carbon gains and losses, as categorized by tree codes, and can be further disaggregated by stand type. This enables the assessment of the impact of increment, mortality, growth, and particularly planned harvesting on the overall carbon stock. The change in carbon stock is determined by the balance between gains (increment, ingrowth) and losses (harvesting, mortality). Our results show that the carbon stock in the Novo mesto - south forest management unit increased by 3,1 t C ha-1 in the period from 2011 to 2021, representing a carbon sink of -11,37 t CO2 ha-1. The highest annual carbon accumulation was observed in young stands (1,91 t C ha-1 year-1), caused by intensive growth and ingrowth with minimal harvesting. Notably, carbon accumulation was also high in forests with pioneer trees, coppice, and single to patchy uneven-aged forests, where less harvesting occured. During the study period carbon stock in mature stands slightly increased (0,01 t C ha-1 year-1). However, carbon stock decreased in group-to-nest uneven-aged forests (–1,86 t C ha-1 year-1) and in stands undergoing regeneration (–1,17 t C ha-1 year-1), where most of the harvesting took place. Our model explained 91.4% of CO2 variability, with logging accounting for 89 %. In terms of tree species, in the considered decade the carbon stock increased the most in beech due to succesful regeneration and growth (0,32 t C ha-1), and decreased the most in spruce (–0,27 t C ha-1), mainly due to logging. This trend is expected to continue.

Keywords:carbon stock change, CO2 balance, stand types, driving factors

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