
Strojna trgatev
ID Berce, Marko (Author), ID Bernik, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo podrobno opisali in analizirali postopek strojnega obiranja grozdja ter uporabo kombajna na naši kmetiji, kjer obdelujemo 30 hektarjev vinogradov. Uvedba strojnega obiranja grozdja je nujna zaradi gospodarnosti pridelave, saj se pogo-sto soočamo s težavami pri iskanju sezonskih obiralcev in visokimi stroški njihovega de-la. Strojno obiranje, zlasti s kombajnom, omogoča hitro in enakomerno trgatev grozdja, pri čemer kombajn lahko v dveh do treh urah opravi količino dela, ki bi jo ekipa 30 do 40 ljudi opravila v celem dnevu. Ta pristop ne le zmanjšuje finančne in časovne napore, ampak tudi povečuje učinkovitost in kakovost trgatve. V raziskavi smo izvedli poskus na treh različnih sortah trte: 'Malvazija', 'Refošk' in 'Cabernet Sauvignon'. Grozdje smo obi-rali v vrstah po 10 metrov, pri čemer smo izmerili izgube pri obiranju in prilagodil nasta-vitve stroja za optimalno obiranje vsake sorte posebej. Namen poskusa je pridobiti vpo-glede v učinkovitost strojnega obiranja za različne sorte, kar bo pripomoglo k optimiza-ciji nastavitve stroja in izboljšanju kakovosti pridelka. Analiza rezultatov je vključevala oceno poškodbe jagod, izgube pri obiranju, površinsko storilnost ter učinkovitost stroja, kar bo omogočilo boljše razumevanje in optimizacijo strojne trgatve v praksi. Meritve so pokazale, da v povprečju obran pridelek vsebuje 46,13 % nepoškodovanih jagod, 36,17 % poškodovanih jagod, 2,77 % druge vsebnosti pridelka (listje, peclji, ipd.) in 15,93 % mošta. Neobran pridelek je v povprečju vseboval 93,52 % jagod in 6,33 % odpadnega materiala (listje, peclji, ipd.).

Keywords:vinska trta, strojna trgatev, pridelek, kakovost, izgube
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162305 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208434179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Mechanical grape harvest
In this thesis, we have thoroughly described and analyzed the process of mechanical grape harvesting and the use of a harvester on our farm, where we manage 30 hectares of vineyards. The introduction of mechanical grape harvesting is necessary for economic reasons, as we often face challenges in finding seasonal pickers and the high costs asso-ciated with their labor. Mechanical harvesting, especially with a harvester, enables fast and uniform grape picking, with the harvester capable of completing in two to three hours the amount of work that a team of 30 to 40 people would accomplish in an entire day. This approach not only reduces financial and time efforts but also increases the effi-ciency and quality of the harvest. In our research, we conducted experiments on three different grape varieties: 'Malvasia,' 'Refosco,' and 'Cabernet Sauvignon.' We harvested grapes in 10-meter rows, measuring harvesting losses and adjusting the machine settings for optimal harvesting of each variety individually. The purpose of the experiment was to gain insights into the efficiency of mechanical harvesting for different varieties, which will help optimize machine settings and improve the quality of the crop. The analysis of the results included assessing berry damage, harvesting losses, surface productivity, and machine efficiency, which will provide a better understanding and optimization of me-chanical harvesting in practice. Measurements showed that, on average, the harvested yield contains 46.13 % undamaged berries, 36.17% damaged berries, 2.77 % other har-vest contents (leaves, stems, etc.), and 15.93 % must. The unharvested yield, on average, contains 93.52 % berries and 6.33 % waste material (leaves, stems, etc.). The measure-ments showed that the harvested yield contained an average of 46.13 % undamaged ber-ries, 36.1 7 % damaged berries, 2.77 % other harvest components (leaves, stems, etc.) and 15.93 % must. The unharvested yield contains an average of 93.52 % berries and 6.33 % waste material (leaves, stems, etc.).

Keywords:vine, mechanical harvesting, yield, quality, loss

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