
Primerjalna analiza proteoma prostih in kapsuliranih kvasovk Saccharomyces cerevisiae med alkoholno fermentacijo
ID Molan, Ema (Author), ID Osojnik Črnivec, Ilja Gasan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jamnik, Polona (Comentor)

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Kvasovke S. cerevisiae so med alkoholno fermentacijo izpostavljene različnim stresnim dejavnikom, kot so visoka temperatura ter visoka koncentracija substratov in nastalih produktov. Pred vsem tem lahko kvasovke učinkovito zaščitimo z mikrokapsulacijo, ki kot tehnika pridobiva vse večjo vlogo v biotehnologiji in živilstvu. V magistrski nalogi smo z napravo z elektrostatično vibracijsko šobo kapsulirali kvasovke S. cerevisiae v alginat, nekaterim vzorcem pa smo dodali tudi različne ciklodekstrine. Spremljali smo potek alkoholne fermentacije in vpliv nizke (8 %) in visoke (28 %) koncentracije glukoze v gojišču ter dodatek β-CD, β-CD citrata in β-CD maleata na izkoristek alkoholne fermentacije. Sproščanje kvasovk iz mikrokroglic smo spremljali z merjenjem OD650, količino nastalega etanola in porabljene glukoze pa smo analizirali z metodo HPLC. Z uporabo metode LC-MS/MS smo vse omenjene vplive analizirali še na proteomski ravni. Ugotovili smo, da kapsulacija z alginatom uspešno zaščiti kvasovke pred visoko koncentracijo glukoze in omogoča doseganje višjih izkoristkov fermentacije (do 97 %). To so nakazale tudi povečane ravni proteinov, vključenih v biosintezo aminokislin in glikolizo/glukoneogenezo. Dodatek 0,2 % ciklodekstrinov vpliva na povečano prepustnost hidrogelov, kjer so kapsulirane kvasovke dosegale primerljivo rast, manjši izkoristek ter znižano ravnen skoraj 70 % proteinov v primerjavi s prostimi kvasovkami. Nadalje je smotrno preučiti vpliv večjih in manjših koncentracij dodanih ciklodekstrinov, več bioloških ponovitev med daljšim spremljanim obdobjem fermentacije in vpliv populacije kvasovk vzdolž premera kroglice.

Keywords:kvasovke Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mikrokapsulacija, alginat, ciklodekstrini, alkoholna fermentacija, visoka koncentracija glukoze, etanol, izkoristek, raven proteinov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208679683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:Comparative proteomic analysis of free and encapsulated yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae during alcoholic fermentation
S. cerevisiae yeasts are exposed to various stress factors during alcoholic fermentation, such as high temperature and high concentration of substrates and products. Yeast can be effectively protected from all this with microencapsulation, which is gaining an increasing role in biotechnology and food industry. In the master's thesis, yeasts S. cerevisiae were encapsulated in alginate using a device with an electrostatic vibration nozzle, and various cyclodextrins were added to some samples. We monitored the course of alcoholic fermentation and the effect of low (8 %) and high (28 %) glucose concentration in the culture medium and the addition of β-CD, β-CD citrate, and β-CD maleate on the yield of alcoholic fermentation. The release of yeast from the microspheres was monitored by measuring the OD650 and the amount of ethanol produced, and glucose consumed was analysed by the HPLC method. Using the LC-MS/MS method, we analysed the effects of all the mentioned factors on the proteomic level. We found that encapsulation with alginate successfully protects yeasts from high glucose concentrations and enables higher fermentation yields (up to 97%). This was also indicated by increased levels of proteins involved in amino acid biosynthesis and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. The addition of 0,2 % cyclodextrins affects the increased permeability of the hydrogels, where the encapsulated yeasts achieved comparable growth, a lower yield, and a reduced level of almost 70 % of proteins compared to free yeasts. Furthermore, it is expedient to study the influence of higher and lower concentrations of added cyclodextrins, more biological repetitions during a longer monitored period of fermentation and the influence of the yeast population along the bead diameter.

Keywords:yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, microencapsulation, alginate, cyclodextrins, alcoholic fermentation, high glucose concentration, ethanol, yield, protein level

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