
Razvoj spletne aplikacije za upravljanje rezervacij
ID Jankovec, Žan (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja razvoj in opis minimalistične spletne aplikacije za upravljanje restavracij, ki je namenjena gostincem in ljubiteljem restavracij ter zasnovana za izboljšanje kakovosti storitev v restavracijah. Spletna aplikacija je enostranska aplikacija (SPA), ki vsebine nalaga dinamično na eni strani, brez potrebe po ponovnem nalaganju celotne strani, kar prispeva k boljši uporabniški izkušnji. Aplikacija omogoča vnos restavracij, dinamično rezervacijo prostih terminov ter upravljanje rezervacij, podatkov restavracije in sistema. Podpira štiri vloge uporabnikov: goste, stranke, urednike restavracij in skrbnike sistema. Spletna aplikacija je zasnovana kot enoten sistem z uporabo sodobnih tehnologij Laravel in Vue.js. Rezultat diplomskega dela je dokončana aplikacija, ki optimizira poslovne procese restavracij in bi bila z dodatnim testiranjem pripravljena za takojšnjo uporabo.

Keywords:Spletna aplikacija, SPA, zaledni del, čelni del, restavracija, rezervacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162287 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Title:Development of a web application for restaurant management
This diploma thesis presents the development and description of a minimalist web restaurant managment application, intended for restaurateurs and restaurant enthusiasts, which is designed to improve the quality of services in restaurants. The web application is a single-page application (SPA) that dynamically loads content on a single page without reloading the entire page, which provides a better user experience. The application allows for the entry of restaurants, dynamic reservation of available time slots, and management of reservations, restaurant data, and the system. It supports four user roles: guests, clients, restaurant-owners, and administrators. The web application is designed as an integrated system using modern technologies Laravel and Vue.js. The result of the thesis is a completed application that optimizes restaurant business processes and would be ready for immediate use with additional testing.

Keywords:Web application, SPA, backend, frontend, restaurant, reservation

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