
Vizualna podoba slovanske folklore v sodobni družbi
ID Kadunc, Anja (Author), ID Kenda, Boštjan Botas (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se posveča ohranjanju in posredovanju slovanskega pripovednega izročila. Raziskava se poglablja v bogato dediščino slovanske folklore in njen pomen v sodobni družbi. Z oblikovanjem vizualne upodobitve ljudskih zgodb skuša študija nadalje ohraniti in poudariti pomen teh zgodb v sodobni kulturi. Folklora prispeva k ohranjanju tradicije in zgodovine ter deluje kot vir navdiha za različna umetniška dela. Nudi okvir, znotraj katerega se lahko raziskujejo sodobna vprašanja in teme, hkrati pa neguje močan občutek kulturne identitete in skupnosti. Njena tesna prepletenost z razvojem ljudstva je vidna v spremembah in razvoju izročila. Grafično oblikovanje pomaga predstaviti pripovedi na vizualno privlačen način, ki pritegne bralca in povzdigne celotno bralno izkušnjo. Grafični elementi skupaj sestavijo celoto in vizualno predstavijo temo zina ter pridajo še čustven element. Cilj študije je ohranjanje in širjenje pripovednega izročila slovanske folklore v javnem prostoru ter spodbujanje povezave med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. S pomočjo zbirke zinov si prizadeva vzbuditi občutek pripadnosti, identitete in skupnosti ter tako zagotoviti ohranjanje tradicije v sodobni družbi.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, vizualna podoba, zine, slovanska folklora, pripovedno izročilo, ljudske pripovedi, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162273 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Title:Visual image of Slavic folklore in modern society
The master’s thesis is devoted to the preservation and transmission of the Slavic narrative tradition. The research delves into the rich heritage of Slavic folklore and its importance in modern society. By creating a visual representation of folk stories, the study tries to further preserve and emphasize the importance of these stories in contemporary culture. Folklore contributes to the preservation of tradition and history and acts as a source of inspiration for various artistic works. It provides a framework to explore contemporary issues and themes while nurturing a strong sense of cultural identity and community. It is closely intertwined with the development of the people, which is reflected in the changes and development of tradition. Graphic design helps present narratives in a visually appealing way that engages the reader and elevates the entire reading experience. Together, the graphic elements make up the whole and visually present the theme of the zine and add an emotional element. The study aims to preserve and spread the narrative tradition of Slavic folklore in the public space and to promote the connection between the past and the future. Through the collection of zines, it strives to evoke a sense of belonging, identity, and community, thus ensuring the preservation of tradition in modern society.

Keywords:visual communications, graphic design, visual image, zine, Slavic folklore, narrative tradition, folk tales, MA thesis

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