
Vrednotenje fotokemijskih lastnosti fotozaščitenih zaviralcev topoizomeraze IIα
ID Štumberger, Liza (Author), ID Ilaš, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eden izmed največjih izzivov zdravil je pojav neželenih učinkov, predvsem zaradi vpliva na zdrave celice in tkiva. Za povečanje učinkovitosti in zmanjšanje toksičnosti zdravljenj, kot je kemoterapija pri zdravljenju raka, se raziskuje nova zdravila ali dostavne sisteme za tarčno zdravljenje, ki se aktivirajo preko kemijskih ali fizikalnih sprememb na tarčnem mestu. Med najbolj ugodnimi zunanjimi sprožilci je svetloba, ki omogoča natančno časovno in prostorsko aktivacijo. Svetlobno aktivirane majhne molekule delimo na fotostikala in fotozaščitene spojine, ki vsebujejo fotoodstranljivo skupino. Tri katalitični zaviralci topoizomeraze IIα so bili na farmakofornih mestih zaščiteni s tremi različnimi fotoodstranljivimi skupinami. Namen fotozaščitenih spojin je hitra in popolna fotoaktivacija pod vplivom ustreznega sevanja, zato smo preiskovali kinetiko fotoaktivacije pod vplivom šibkega ultravijoličnega sevanja pri 366 nm. Moč sevanja smo vrednotili s pomočjo standardnega ferioksalatnega aktinometra. Na hitrost fotoaktivacije je vplivala predvsem uporabljena fotoodstranljiva skupina, v manjši meri pa tudi vezavno mesto. Fotoodstranljiva skupina na osnovi ciano hidroksikumarina omogoča enostavnejšo in hitrejšo fotoaktivacijo v primerjavi s sorodnim kinolinskim derivatom in kumarinskim derivatom. Nastanek predvidenih produktov pri najhitrejših reakcijah fotodisociacije smo potrdili z masno spektrometrijo. Pridobljeni podatki pri opisanih pogojih so izhodišče za in vitro eksperimente na rakavih celičnih linijah.

Keywords:fotozaščitene spojine, fotoaktivacija, aktinometrija, topoizomeraza IIα
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162262 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Title:Evaluation of photochemical properties of photocaged topoisomerase IIα inhibitors
One of the largest challenges associated with medicines is the occurrence of adverse effects, which are caused by their effect on healthy cells and tissues. To increase efficacy and reduce toxicity of medicines, such as chemotherapeutics, novel drugs and delivery systems for targeted therapy are being researched. The activation of drugs can be achieved by chemical or physical changes in the target area, among which light is the most practical for its precise spatial and temporal control. Light activated molecules can be divided into photoswitches and photocages, which contain a photoremovable protecting group (PPG). Three catalytic inhibitors of topoisomerase IIα were protected at pharmacophoric sites using three different PPGs. An important attribute, specific to photocaged compounds, is the rapid and complete photoactivation under the influence of appropriate irradiation. We studied the kinetics of photoactivation under weak ultraviolet radiation at 366 nm. The irradiation power was evaluated using a standard ferrioxalate actinometer. The rate of photoactivation was primarily influenced by the photoremovable group used and, to a lesser extent, by the binding site. The ciano hydroxyquinoline based caging moiety allows for a simpler and faster photoactivation compared to the quinoline and coumarin derivatives.The formation of predicted products in the fastest photodissociation reactions was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The data obtained under the described conditions serve as a basis for in vitro experiments on cancer cell lines.

Keywords:photocaged compounds, uncaging, actinometry, topoisomerase IIα

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