
Kri, ki govori: Opolnomočenje žensk skozi družbeno konstrukcijo menstruacije z vidika duhovnega feminizma
ID Kerin, Kiara Karolina (Author), ID Lunaček Brumen, Ana Sarah (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bartulović, Alenka (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo poskuša osvetliti vplive družbenih konstrukcij menstruacije na izkušnje menstruirajočih žensk. Avtorica v njem podrobneje analizira dva diskurza o menstruaciji; dominantni družbeni diskurz in diskurz duhovnega feminizma, kjer nakaže, kako vsak od njiju preko svojih ideologij močno zaznamuje telesno, čustveno in mentalno življenje žensk. Osrednji del diplomskega dela je namenjen duhovnemu feminizmu, ki se reprezentira kot način razreševanja in osvobajanja žensk izpod patriarhalne strukturne sheme prevladujočega diskurza, ki menstruacijo tabuizira. Naloga se osredinja na izkušnje posameznic, ki razumejo menstruacijo kot simbol božanskosti, skozi katerega ženske iščejo možnosti tako osebnega opolnomočenja kot tudi širših družbenih sprememb. Zaključek ponuja kritičen pregled obstoječih praks in ideologij, zlasti duhovnega feminizma, ki se odvija znotraj t. i. ženskih krogov. Četudi znotraj slednjega prednjači pripisovanja pozitivne vrednosti menstruaciji, v nalogi razkrivam tudi dejstvo, da se skozi nekatere segmente duhovnega feminizma posameznice nehote znova zatekajo v ideje dominantnega družbenega diskurza, od katerega se želijo distancirati.

Keywords:menstruacija, duhovni feminizem, tabu, opolnomočenje, ženski krogi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Speaking blood: Women empowerment through the social construction of menstruation from the perspective of spiritual feminism
The thesis aims to shed light on the influences of societal constructions of menstruation on the experiences of menstruating women. The author provides a detailed analysis of two discourses on menstruation: the dominant social discourse and the discourse of spiritual feminism, where she demonstrates how each of these, through their ideologies, significantly impacts the physical, emotional, and mental lives of women. The central part of the thesis is dedicated to spiritual feminism, which is presented as a means of resolving and liberating women from the patriarchal structural scheme of the dominant discourse that taboos menstruation. The work focuses on the experiences of individuals who understand menstruation as a symbol of divinity, through which women seek opportunities for both personal empowerment and broader social change. The conclusion offers a critical review of existing practices and ideologies, particularly spiritual feminism, as it unfolds within so-called women's circles. While the latter primarily attributes positive value to menstruation, the thesis also reveals that certain segments of spiritual feminism unintentionally lead individuals back to the ideas of the dominant social discourse, from which they seek to distance themselves.

Keywords:menstruation, spiritual feminism, taboo, empowerment, women's circles

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