
Robotska platforma za avtonomno kartiranje neznanega terena
ID Kržmanc, Domen (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rok, Vrabič (Comentor)

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Pri raziskovanju neznanega terena na drugih planetih, je eden izmed večjih problemov hitrost raziskovanja. Signali med zemljo in Marsom lahko potujejo več kot dvajset minut, kar onemogoča kakršnokoli vodenje v realnem času. Posledično to pomeni, da se roboti premikajo zelo počasi, kar omejuje njihovo učinkovitost. Magistrsko delo obravnava razvoj celotnega sistema za avtonomno kartiranje neznanega terena z večimi avtonomnimi in kooperativnimi mobilnimi roboti. Uporabili smo odprtokodno robotsko platformo Leo Rover, ki smo jo nadgradili z Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano računalnikom ter Intel RealSense D456 kamero. Vsak robot se avtonomno premika po neznanem terenu, ter s pomočjo tridimenzionalne kamere ter algoritmov za obdelavo slik, sestavlja karto terena. Roboti si med delovanjem med seboj izmenjujejo podatke o svojem položaju, ter informacije o raziskanem terenu. Cilj celotne naloge je, da roboti brez človeške pomoči čim bolj učinkovito raziščejo neznan teren ter sestavijo karto terena. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljena strojna in programska oprema, ki smo jo uporabili pri razvoju sistema. V drugem delu je predstavljena implementacija algoritmov za čim bolj natančno kartiranje terena. Kasneje je opisan algoritem za navigacijo po terenu, ki uporablja karto terena za varno vodenje robota in razvoj algoritma za avtonomno kartiranje. Za konec, analiziramo še rezultate testiranja sistema in posameznih algoritmov, pomembnih za delovanje sistema.

Keywords:mobilni robot, avtonomno kartiranje, navigacija, robotska kooperacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Robotic platform for autonomous mapping of unknown terrain
One of the major problems in exploring unknown terrain on other planets is the speed of exploration. Signals between Earth and Mars can take more than twenty minutes, which makes real-time control impossible. Consequently, this means that robots move very slowly, which limits their efficiency. This master’s thesis deals with the development of a complete system for autonomous mapping of unknown terrain with multiple autonomous and cooperative mobile robots. We used the open-source robot platform Leo Rover, upgraded with the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano computer and Intel RealSense D456 camera. Each robot autonomously moves through unknown terrain and, with the help of a three-dimensional camera and image processing algorithms, constructs a map of the terrain. While operating, robots exchange data about their position and information about the explored terrain. The thesis aimed to program the robots to efficiently and independently explore unknown terrain and construct a map without human intervention. The first part of the work presents the hardware and software we used in the development of the system. In the second part, we present the implementation of algorithms for accurate terrain mapping. In the continuation, we describe the algorithm for terrain navigation, which uses the terrain map for safe robot guidance. We also give a description of algorithm development for autonomous mapping. Finally, we analyze the results of testing the system and individual algorithms that are important for the system to operate.

Keywords:mobile robot, autonomous mapping, navigation, robot cooperation

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