
Oblikovanje priročnika prve pomoči za pse
ID Lovšin, Manca (Author), ID Ražman, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo področje informacijskega oblikovanja, bolj natančno se posvečamo oblikovanju navodil. Zanimalo nas je, kako učinkovito pretvarjati podatke v informacije, da bodo te poenostavljene, lažje razumljive in bolj dostopne za uporabnike. V analitičnem delu predstavimo izbrane primere dobrih praks v oblikovanju navodil. Končni izdelek diplomskega dela je priročnik, ki obravnava izbrane teme iz področja prve pomoči za pse. Oblikovan je kot žepna knjiga in vsebuje ilustrirane razlage z bistvenimi informacijami, ki so potrebne za učinkovito pomoč. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge obravnavamo proces oblikovanja, in sicer najprej definiramo problem in ciljno skupino, zatem sledi snovanje vsebine, v okviru katere predstavimo tudi pisanje v jasnem jeziku. Nato sledi oblikovanje priročnika, od izdelave ilustracij, izbora formata, do produkcije končnega izdelka ter testiranja in odziva uporabnikov.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, informacijsko oblikovanje, priročnik, prva pomoč, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162167 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a dog first aid manual
In the thesis, we explore information design, focusing specifically on the design of instructions. We were interested in how to effectively transform data into information so that it is simplified, easier to understand, and more accessible to users. In the analytical section, we present selected examples of good practices in instruction design. The final product of the thesis is a handbook that addresses selected topics in the field of first aid for dogs. It is designed as a pocket-sized book and contains illustrated explanations with essential information necessary for effective assistance. In the practical part of the thesis, we address the design process, starting with defining the problem and the target audience, followed by content creation, which includes presenting writing in plain language. Next, we proceed with the handbook design, from creating illustrations and selecting the format to producing the final product, as well as testing and gathering user feedback.

Keywords:visual communication, graphic design, information design, manual, first aid, BA thesis

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