
Oblikovanje knjige prihodnosti: Vizualni in vsebinski prikaz nove vrste komunikacije za študente oblikovanja
ID Hostnik, Jan (Author), ID Čehovin, Eduard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi se s teoretično-praktičnim pristopom lotevamo kompleksnega vprašanja knjige prihodnosti. Izdelek temelji na opazovanju zapletenih odnosov med oblikovanjem, kulturo in družbo. S svojo vsebino in obliko naloga raziskuje te odgovarja na vprašanja o oblikovanju, vlogi knjige, vlogi oblikovalcev ter oblikovalske stroke v odnosu do trenutnih družbeno-političnih in tehnoloških sprememb. Končni produkt vase harmonično vključuje elemente tipografije, vizualnih elementov in vsebine na način, da si niso podrejeni, ampak soodvisni. Ugotovitve materializira v obliki knjige, ki presega njene običajne definicije in se spreminja v hibridno, multidimenzionalno vizualno izkušnjo, ki sega v okoliški prostor in prikazuje nov način komuniciranja z bralcem.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, oblikovanje, oblikovanje knjige, knjiga prihodnosti, vizualni esej, spekulativno oblikovanje, branje in bralec, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162164 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Future book design: A visual and contextual presentation of a new type of communication for design students
The thesis adopts a theoretical and practical approach to addressing the complex issue of books and their potential development in the future. The practical work involves observing intricate relationships between design, culture, and society. Through its content and form, it explores and responds to inquiries regarding design, the role of books, designers, and the design profession concerning the current socio-political and technological changes. The finished product seamlessly integrates elements of typography, visual elements, and content in an interdependent and not subordinate manner. Its key findings are displayed in the form of a book, which transcends its conventional definitions and evolves into a hybrid, multidimensional visual experience that extends into its surrounding space and presents a new, unique outlook on communication with the reader.

Keywords:visual communication, graphic design, design, book design, book of the future, visual essay, speculative design, reading and reader, BA thesis

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