
Uporabniške izkušnje: Onkraj vizualnih sistemov / Uporabniške izkušnje: Način, kako razumemo
ID Štibohar, Magdalena (Author), ID Čehovin, Eduard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sodobni digitalni dobi je razvoj vizualnih sistemov in uporabniških izkušenj ključen vidik oblikovanja spletnih strani. Spletne strani niso več zgolj orodja za podajanje informacij, temveč morajo uporabnikom nuditi celovito in prijetno izkušnjo. Zato je pomembno, da se oblikovalci osredotočijo na dva ključna elementa: funkcionalnost in estetiko. Pričujoče magistrsko delo temelji na raziskovanju teh dveh vidikov. Prva hipoteza se osredotoča na funkcionalnost kot ključni dejavnik pri ustvarjanju uporabniških izkušenj. Funkcionalnost vključuje enostavnost uporabe, hitrost nalaganja, odzivnost in dostopnost, kar prispeva k temu, da se uporabniki na spletni strani počutijo udobno in so zmoţni enostavno doseči svoje cilje. Druga hipoteza preučuje vlogo estetike, ki ni zgolj dodatek, ampak enako pomemben element. Estetika zajema vizualno privlačnost, skladnost barv, tipografijo in celoten vizualni slog, ki lahko vpliva na prvi vtis uporabnikov in njihovo dolgoročno zadovoljstvo z uporabo spletne strani.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, uporabniške izkušnje, oblikovanje spletne strani, funkcionalnost, estetika, fleksibilni vizualni sistemi, interaktivnost, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162152 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Users Experiences:Beyond Visual Systems / Users Experiences: The Way We Understand
In the modern digital age, the development of visual systems and user experiences is a key aspect of website design. Websites are no longer just tools for delivering information; they must provide users a comprehensive and pleasant experience. Therefore, it is important for designers to focus on two key elements: functionality and aesthetics. This Master's thesis is based on the research of these two aspects. The first hypothesis focuses on functionality as a key factor in creating user experiences. Functionality includes ease of use, loading speed, responsiveness, and accessibility, all of which contribute to making users feel comfortable on the website and easily achieve their goals. The second hypothesis examines the role of aesthetics, which is not merely an add-on but an equally important element. Aesthetics encompasses visual appeal, color harmony, typography, and overall visual style, all of which can influence users' first impressions and their long-term satisfaction with using the website.

Keywords:visual communications, user experience, website design, functionality, aesthetics, flexible visual systems, interactivity, Master thesis

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