
Saturnalije v karnevalih: podobnosti in razlike v obredih prehoda
ID Dujmić, Nada (Author), ID Šabec, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo raziskuje podobnosti in razlike v obredih prehoda med praznovanjem rimskih saturnalij in sodobnih oblik karnevalov. Namen raziskovalne naloge je okrepiti tezo, da posamezni obredi v praksi teh praznovanj začasno porušijo družbeni red, pri čemer prav ta obrat podpira sicer obstoječo hierarhijo v družbi. V prvem delu naloge sem opisala polje ritualov in obredov, pri čemer se bolj podrobno posvetim obredom prehoda. Skozi različne koncepte o konstruktu časa pa sem spoznala, kako je obrat družbene vloge v času praznika časovno pogojen. Drugi del naloge pojasnjuje izvor, pomen in funkcijo karnevala. S študijo primerov dveh evropskih karnevalov (Kölnski karneval in karneval Notting Hill) in rimskih saturnalij pa sem z vidika obredov prehoda in reprezentacije časa iskala njune podobnosti in razlike. Na podlagi tristopenjskega modela obredov prehoda sem ugotovila, da so podobnosti med praznovanji najbolj izrazite v začasno porušenem družbenem redu in zamenjavi družbenih vlog, kar nakazuje na značilnost karnevalskih ritualnih inverzij, ki omogočajo sprostitev družbenega ventila in spodbujajo občutek skupnosti, kar potrjuje njihovo vlogo pri podpiranju obstoječe hierarhije v družbi.

Keywords:saturnalije, karnevali, obredi prehoda
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Saturnalia in Carnivals: similarities and differences in the rites of passage
The thesis investigates the similarities and differences in rites of passage between the celebration of Roman saturnalia and contemporary forms of carnivals. The aim of the research is to strengthen the thesis that specific rituals in the practice of these celebrations temporarily disrupt the social order, with this very reversal supporting the existing hierarchy within society. In the first part of the thesis, I describe the field of rituals and ceremonies, with a more detailed focus on rites of passage. Through various concepts of the construct of time, I explored how the reversal of social roles during the festival is temporally conditioned. The second part of the thesis explains the origin, significance and function of carnival. By studying two European carnivals (the Cologne Carnival and Notting Hill Carnival) and Roman saturnalia, I examined their similarities and differences from the perspective of rites of passage and the representation of time. Through a three-stage model of rites of passage, I found that the similarities between the celebrations are most pronounced in the temporarily disrupted social order and the exchange of social roles, which indicates the characteristic feature of carnival ritual inversions that help reduce social pressure and promote a sense of community, thus supporting their role in reinforcing the existing hierarchy in society.

Keywords:saturnalia, carnivals, the rites of passage

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