
Hudourniška ureditev Dovškega potoka: študija primera
ID Mekina, Bine (Author), ID Kobal, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Varovalna vloga gozdov je ključna, zlasti ob neizogibnih podnebnih spremembah, ki v alpskem svetu še povečujejo tveganje za hudourniške procese. Za analizo vpliva veliko površinskih motenj na pretok in hudourniške procese smo izbrali Dovški potok na južnem pobočju Karavank, kjer so bili gozdovi v zadnjih desetih letih močno poškodovani. Z uporabo Kresnikove metode in hidrološkega modela ZEMOKOST smo določili pet scenarijev stanja gozda in ocenili različne razplete padavinskih dogodkov. Po enačbi Kresnik je stoletni pretok Dovškega potoka Q100 = 5,8 m³/s, medtem ko je bil leta 1961 izračunan na Q100 = 6,0 m³/s. Z modelom ZEMOKOST smo za različne scenarije dobili različne rezultate. Leta 2015, pred vplivom ujm, je bil Q100 = 3,6 m³/s in se je zgodil 45 minut po začetku padavin. Leta 2019, po ujmah, pa je Q100 narasel na 4,9 m³/s in se pojavil 39 minut po začetku padavin. Analiza hidravlične prevodnosti obstoječe hudourniške ureditve je pokazala, da ta ni več primerna glede na povečanje pretoka. Poleg tega smo na podlagi terenskih raziskav ugotovili, da erozijski drobir na območju predstavlja nevarnost za nastanek drobirskih in blatnih tokov, kar bi lahko ogrozilo vas Dovje.

Keywords:urejanje hudourniških območij, hidrološko modeliranje, Dovje, sestojna zgradba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Mekina]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162134 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208148483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Torrential control of Dovški potok above Dovje: a case study
The protective role of forests is crucial, especially in the face of unavoidable climate change, which increases the risk of torrential processes in the alpine environment. To analyse the effects of large forest disturbances on runoff and torrential processes, we chose the Dovski potok on the southern slope of the Karawanken Mountains, where forests have been severely damaged in the last decade. Using the Kresnik method and the hydrological model ZEMOKOST, five scenarios for the state of the forests were determined and different scenarios of precipitation events were evaluated. According to the Kresnik equation, the 100-year discharge of the Dovski potok is Q100 = 5.8 m³/s, whereas in 1961 it was calculated as Q100 = 6.0 m³/s. The ZEMOKOST model provided different results for the different scenarios. In 2015, before the disturbances, the Q100 = 3.6 m³/s and occurred 45 minutes after the onset of the rainfall. In 2019, after the storms, Q100 increased to 4.9 m³/s and occurred 39 minutes after the onset of rainfall. Analysis of the hydraulic conductivity of the existing dams has shown that it is no longer sufficient to cope with the increase in runoff. In addition, on-site investigations have shown that the erosion debris deposits in the area harbour the risk of debris flows and mudslides that could endanger the village of Dovje.

Keywords:torrential area management, hydrological modeling, Dovje, forest stand structure

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