
Partizanska dramatika Mateja Bora : diplomsko delo
ID Stezinar, Lea (Author), ID Pezdirc Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam partizansko dramatiko Mateja Bora. Cilj naloge je bil, da raziščem, koliko partizanskih agitk je napisal Bor in kakšne so razlike in podobnosti med njimi. V prvem delu naloge ugotavljam, da je bil Bor dejaven med partizani, kjer se je uveljavil predvsem kot pesnik in dramatik. Med partizani so bile priljubljene agitke, katerih glavna ideja je bila agitacija. Najpomembnejše gledališče je bilo Slovensko narodno gledališče, ki je nastalo na osvobojenem ozemlju v Črnomlju. V drugem delu se lotim konkretne analize Borovih partizanskih del. Analiza je zajela štiri agitke, in sicer Gospod Lisjak, Ječa se je odprla, Težka ura in Raztrganci. Ugotovila sem, da v nobeni ne nastopa vseh sedem stalnih tipov. V vseh zgodbah je največji poudarek na agitaciji, v Raztrgancih in v Ječi je prisotna še ljubezenska tema, v Težki uri pa narodna in družinska. Vojni konflikti so predstavljeni posredno, osebe so shematično prikazane in za večino takoj vemo, na katero stran sodijo. Okupatorji v dramah niso fizično prisotni, edino v Raztrgancih se na koncu na kratko pojavijo, a nimajo pomembnejše vloge in ne vplivajo na potek dogodkov, saj so kmalu ubiti oziroma ujeti. Na koncu vedno zmagajo ideje NOB, v vseh agitkah pa sta kraj in čas dogajanja jasno določena.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenski pesniki, slovenski dramatiki, partizanska dramatika, agitka, Matej Bor, Gospod Lisjak, Ječa se je odprla, Težka ura, Raztrganci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana in Orešje [i. e. Ljubljana]
Publisher:[L. Stezinar]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162122 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Partisan drama by Matej Bor
In my thesis I discuss the partisan drama of Matej Bor. The aim of the thesis was to investigate how many partisan agitprops Bor wrote and what are the differences and similarities between them. In the first part of the thesis, I establish that Bor was active among the partisans, where he established himself primarily as a poet and playwright. Agitprops were popular among the partisans, the main idea of which was agitation. The most important theatre was the Slovene National Theatre, which was established in the liberated territory of Črnomelj. In the second part, I will undertake a concrete analysis of Bor's partisan works. The analysis covers four agitations, namely Gospod Lisjak , Ječa se je odprla, Težka ura and Raztrganci. I found that none of them features all seven of the permanent types. In all the stories, the greatest emphasis is on agitation, with love themes in Raztrganci and Ječi, and national and family themes in Težka ura. The war conflicts are presented indirectly, the persons are schematically depicted and for most of them we know immediately which side they belong to. The occupiers are not physically present in the dramas, only in Raztrganci do they appear briefly at the end, but they do not play a significant role and do not influence the course of events, as they are soon killed or captured. In the end, the ideas of the NOB always win out, and in all the agitations the place and time of the action are clearly defined

Keywords:Slovene literature, Slovene poets, Slovene playwrights, partisan drama, agitator, Matej Bor, Gospod Lisjak, Ječa se je odprla, Težka ura, Raztrganci

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