
Normativna struktura intencionalnosti v Husserlovi fenomenologiji
ID Remškar, Jakob (Author), ID Komel, Dean (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem delu je orisan Husserlov pojem intencionalnosti ter pomen tega pojma za fenomenološko razlago individualne in socialne konstitucije zavesti. Najprej je podano Husserlovo razumevanje individualne intencionalnosti in konstitucije predmetnosti z noetično-noematično korelacijo; ta razlaga pa je kasneje razširjena s sodobnimi interpretacijami družbene intencionalnosti ter motivacij, ki določajo delovanja navad in norm kolektivnih oblik intencionalnosti, kar je nato raziskovano na primeru Husserlove obravnave zgodovinskih premen evidence ter merilnih tehnik, iz katerih se postopoma razvijejo novoveške objektivistične znanosti. Obravnavan je tudi Husserlov poskus tvorbe nove, univerzalne znanosti z lastno obliko evidence ter nanjo vezane kritike zgodovinskih oblik evidenc ter njih utemeljujočih praktičnih ter teoretičnih motivacij in habitualnosti, ki znotraj teh znanosti ostanejo nereflektirane in brez primernega prevpraševanja.

Keywords:intencionalnost, znanost, intersubjektivnost, fenomenologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162109 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Normative structure of intentionality in Husserl's phenomenology
This work deals with Husserl's term intentionality and its meaning for the phenomenological analysis of individual and social constitution of consciousness. It firstly tackles the Husserlian understanding of individual intentionality and the constitution of objectivity through the noetic-noeamatic correlation, that is later expanded upon with contemporary interpretations of social intentionality and motivations which influence or determine the functioning of norms and habitualities within collective forms of intentionality. Those are later examined on the basis of Husserl's explorations of the historical changes in techniques of measurement and validation and its impacts on the emergence of modern scientific method and objective sciences. These are in close relation with another of Husserl's phenomenological projects, namely the critique of contemporary science, its concepts and terminology on the basis of its practical , with simultaneous grounding and development of a new philosophy, aimed at offering a universal knowledge, capable of grounding particular sciences with a new terminology and conceptual tools, developed with the phenomenological method.

Keywords:intentionality, intersubjectivity, science, phenomenology

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