
Presečišča identitet: Izkušnje kvir priseljenk in priseljencev iz nekdanjih jugoslovanskih republik v Sloveniji
ID Zobarič, Enja (Author), ID Bartulović, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče diplomsko delo obravnava življenjske zgodbe in izkušnje kvir priseljencev v intersekcionalni perspektivi. S pomočjo etnografskega terenskega dela med kvir posamezniki v Sloveniji, ki so se preselili iz območja nekdanje Jugoslavije, analiziram njihove migracijske izkušnje, predstavim njihove odločitve za migracijo, spoprijemanje s težavami ter diskriminacijo, s katero so se soočali na raznolike načine. Migrantsko izkušnjo kvir oseb iz nekdanjih jugoslovanskih republik kljub njihovi heterogenosti oblikujejo določene podobnosti. V delu ugotavljam, da je njihov proces migracij prežet z iskanjem pripadnosti in varnosti, prav tako pa je mogoče pri sogovornikih zaslediti podobne izkušnje z diskriminacijo. Ta je vselej večplastna; odvisna je od različnih kategorij, kot so na primer spol, državljanstvo in razredna pripadnost. Družbene neenakosti namreč sooblikujejo kompleksni procesi. V srediču zanimanja pa je analiza pomena spola in spolne pripadnosti v migracijski izkušnji, saj gre za kategorijo, ki je bila dolgo časa zanemarjena, v analizah življenjskih zgodb kvir migrantov pa ta igra prominentno vlogo. Kljub temu v delu ugotavljam, da sta spol in spolna pripadnost le eni izmed dimenzij, ki oblikujejo življenjske zgodbe. Zaradi raznolikih okoliščin in izkušenj selitve, kot tudi njihovih motivacij, se osebe lahko znajdejo v različnih situacijah. Nekatere so bolj podvržene večplastni diskriminaciji in se pogosto znajdejo v liminalnem prostoru, ki ga sooblikujejo raznolike transformacije identifikacij. Z nalogo in intersekcijskim pristopom prispevam k razumevanju večplastnih izkušenj spolnih manjšin, zlasti kvir priseljenih oseb v Sloveniji.

Keywords:kvir identiteta, migracijska izkušnja, nekdanje republike SFRJ, intersekcijskost, presečišča identitet, diskriminacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162108 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Title:Intersections of Identities: Experiences of Queer Migrants from Former Yugoslav Republics in Slovenia
This thesis focuses on the life stories and experiences of queer immigrants from the former Yugoslavia living in Slovenia, focusing on an intersectional approach. The aim of the thesis is to analyse their migration experiences, the decision to migrate, the overcoming of challenges and the various forms of discrimination they encounter. The research is based on ethnographic fieldwork among queer people and, despite the heterogeneity of queer people from the former Yugoslav republics, highlights similarities in their migration experiences. The migration process is often characterized by the search for belonging and security. The interviewees often report experiences of multi-layered discrimination characterized by different categories such as gender, citizenship and class. Social inequalities are shaped by complex processes. The focus is on analysing the significance of gender and gender identity in the migration experience, as this category has long been overlooked but plays a prominent role in the analysis of queer migrants' life stories. However, the work also shows that gender and gender identity are only one of the dimensions that shape life stories. Due to different circumstances and migration experiences as well as motivations, people can find themselves in different situations. Some are more vulnerable to multiple forms of discrimination and often find themselves in a liminal space characterized by various transformations of identification. With this thesis and an intersectional approach, I would like to contribute to the understanding of the diverse experiences of sexual minorities, especially queer migrants in Slovenia.

Keywords:queer identity, migration experience, former SFRY republics, intersectionality, intersections of identities, discrimination

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