The aim of the thesis is to analyse the cadastral archives in the cadastral municipality of Bosljiva Loka
since the period when the first cadastres were created. The analysis included the materials of the
Theresian, Josephine and Franciscan cadastres. For the analysis of the first cadastres we obtained and
presented examples of the forms of the Theresian and Josephine cadastres. The cadastral plans of the
Franciscan Cadastre were georeferenced for the purpose of analysing the land tenure, parcel structure
and land use in the selected cadastral municipality. The parcel structure and land use were compared
with the current situation, taking into account, among other things, the natural features and their
influence on the formation of the cadastral parcels and land use. In the thesis we also study geographical
and personal proper names in the area of the cadastral municipality of Bosljiva Loka. We found that the
vast majority of the parcel structure has remained the same, that there has been a significant decrease in
the area of agricultural cultivation, that there is much more forest cover and that the relief has a really
strong influence on the shape of the parcels.