
Dokumentacija izginjajoče arhitekture Prekmurja
ID Rauch, Miha (Author), ID Djukić, Emina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Dokumentacija izginjajoče arhitekture Prekmurja se ukvarja s fotografskim dokumentiranjem zapuščenih stanovanjskih hiš in drugih objektov na območju Prekmurja. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno Prekmurje kot geografski pojem, demografski dejavniki ter zgodovina in razvoj prekmurske kmečke hiše. Naloga se ukvarja tudi z zgodovino fotografije v Prekmurju in širše, zlasti v povezavi s fotografiranjem zapuščene arhitekture ter smermi v fotografiji, kot sta nova topografija in urbano raziskovanje (angl. Urban exploration, v nadaljevanju: urbex). Zanimala me je tudi simbolična plat fotografij, na katerih se ponavljajo motivi uničenja, propada, minulega in minljivega, pa tudi sledi življenja. Fotografije, ki so zbrane v dveh knjižicah, predstavljajo končno delo. V prvi knjigi je dokumentirana zunanjost večinoma stanovanjskih objektov starih domačij in hiš, v drugi knjigi pa predvsem njihova notranjost in manjši detajli.

Keywords:Fotografija, zapuščeno, Prekmurje, arhitektura, dokumentacija, oblikovanje vizualnih, komunikacij, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Title:Documentation of the disappearing architecture of Prekmurje
The bachelor thesis entitled Documentation the disappearing architecture of Prekmurje deals with the photographic documentation of abandoned residential houses and other buildings in the area of Prekmurje. The diploma thesis presents Prekmurje as a geographical concept, demographic factors, the history and development of the Prekmurje farmhouse, and the thesis also deals with the history of photography in Prekmurje and beyond, especially in connection with the photography of abandoned architecture, as well as the New Topographies and Urban exploration trends in photography. Of course, I was also interested in the symbolic side of the photographs, which repeat the motifs of destruction, decay, the past and the transient, as well as the traces of life. The photos, which are collected in two booklets, together represent the final work. In the first book, mainly, but not exclusively, the exterior of residential buildings of old homesteads and houses is documented, while in the second book, mainly their interior and smaller details are documented.

Keywords:Photography, abandoned, Prekmurje, Architecture, documentation, visual communication design, BA thesis

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