
Razum in intuicija ter njun vpliv na ustvarjalni proces
ID Ketiš, Rene (Author), ID Koštrun, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razum in intuicija sta kot osnovna procesa razmišljanja – prvi kot zavestni, druga pa kot nezavedni element – neizogibno prisotna v ustvarjalnem procesu vsakega fotografa in bistveno vplivata na končni izdelek. Ker je življenje vsakega umetnika razvijajoč se ustvarjalni proces, je za njegovo razumevanje in včasih celo za dosego zastavljenega umetniškega cilja pomembno, da se pri tem zaveda ali vsaj sluti, ali želi pri tem uporabljati predvsem razum, intuicijo ali oboje. Diplomska naloga sistematično in celovito predstavi razum in intuicijo ter njun vpliv na ustvarjalni proces, pri čemer se vsebinsko omeji predvsem na njuno uporabo v fotografiji. Naloga je razdeljena na analitični in praktični del. Sledeč uvodu najprej splošno teoretično opiše pojem razuma in intuicije, nato pa se osredotoči na njuno uporabo pri fotografskem ustvarjanju oziroma razmerje s fotografskim medijem. Tako na podlagi zbranih misli in ugotovitev avtorjev bralca seznani z obravnavano tematiko ter na podlagi samorefleksij izbranih fotografov prikaže njeno udejanjanje v praksi. V celotni nalogi se strokovna teorija prepleta z lastnimi ugotovitvami in razmišljanji avtorja diplomske naloge; v zadnjem poglavju je predstavljen njegov ustvarjalni proces, katerega izdelek je fotoknjiga.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, fotografija, razum, intuicija, ustvarjalni proces, fotoknjiga, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162037 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reason and intuition and their influence on the creative process
As basic thinking processes, reason and intuition – the former as a conscious and the latter as an unconscious element – are inevitably present in the creative process of every photographer and significantly influence its final product. Since the life of every artist is an evolving creative process, he needs to understand and sometimes even achieve his artistic goal that he is aware of or at least has an inkling whether he wants to use reason, intuition, or both. The bachelor’s thesis systematically and comprehensively presents reason and intuition and their influence on the creative process while the content is mainly limited to their use in photography. The thesis is divided into two parts: analytical and practical. Following the introduction, the author first describes the concept of reason and intuition in general theoretical terms and then focuses on their use in photographic creation or the relationship with the photography medium. Based on the collected thoughts and findings of the authors, the reader is introduced to the discussed topic. Based on the self-reflections of selected photographers, the author shows the topic’s implementation in practice. Throughout the thesis, the professional theory is interwoven with the bachelor’s thesis author's findings and reflections. Finally, the last chapter presents the author’s creative process, the product of which is a photo book.

Keywords:visual communications, photography, reason, intuition, the creative process, photo book, BA thesis

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